Old Tasklist

Please refer to bugzilla for an updated one.





Define the new Metadata format


Mostly done

Document the GIR format



XML validation tests



Typelib format

Add attributes to connect signals to their default handlers and wrappers to their vfuncs



Add binary hash to lookup directory entries



Add a way to specify default values



Add a way to mark init functions like gtk_init




Add thorough error checking to GIRepository API



More complete invocation tests



Fix extra indirection for out parameters in invoke




Virtual-methods and callbacks are wrong




Annotate element type of lists



Mark symbols as deprecated



See also http://www.flickr.com/photos/vlatheimpaler/2332945173/sizes/l/in/set-72157604115673476/

Things to think about

  • Repository
    • Reconsider the current clunky API, maybe an iterator approach is better
    • Use hashes?
    • Think about a system-wide repository mapping namespace ids to libraries/metadata files
    • Maybe allow populating repositories at runtime
    • Maybe support invocation of functions using closures (maybe even GClosure) instead of only libffi, so that functions can be implemented in languages other than C. This would require populating the repository with new classes/methods at run-time.
  • Some way of saying what allocator is used for transfer parameters?
    • - maybe just set an allocator per module for transfer-out - caller has to use module allocator for transfer-in?
  • For more complicated reference types, (pointer to multidimensional array of int pointers) the current Blob structure does not seem sufficient or optimal, how could this be reworked?
  • What did Mattias mean by "Sort arrays so that we can use bsearch for lookup"?

Projects/GObjectIntrospection/OldTasklist (last edited 2013-11-22 19:41:55 by WilliamJonMcCann)