Caribou Roadmap

This page outlines the priorities for Caribou's future.

Technology Transitions

There are several fronts that need to be addressed, these are all high priority.

  • AT-SPI2: Mostly works.
  • PyGI: TODO
  • gsettings: Should be easy

Pointer Only Use case

The priority use-case is for users who operate pointing devices. This is the most straightforward case, so it should be possible to make something appealing in a limited time frame. There is also overlap with mobile use-cases. Features included in this set are listed below.

Configurable placement and transiency of keyboard

The keyboard currently latches on to the input area by default. It should be user-configurable to appear elsewhere on the screen, relative to the application and the desktop. The keyboard appears when a text input area gets focus, there should be a way to have it onscreen permanently as well, and to have it's visibility change depending on proximity of the pointer to it.

Pointer Dexterity Helpers

The keyboard has relatively small keys that could be hard to click on with precision. Different sizes and interaction modes could help.

GNOME Shell interop and integration

Text Predictions

I have seen a branch with this, need to see who is working on it, and get it merged.

Switch Access

There is already switch support in master, but it is very lacking. Need to do more research, I think this is a GNOME 3.2 milestone, if not 3.4.

Unassisted Setup

This is pretty much in place for pointer users. A first-run dialog that would give an opt-in for scanning mode for switch users would be nice.

Projects/Caribou/RoadMap (last edited 2013-11-22 22:00:31 by WilliamJonMcCann)