Gedit 3 Plugin Sample
Required bindings are for:
Gedit >= 3.0 (gedit.vapi for gedit 3.0+ is automatically generated from upstream and usually distributed with gedit development packages)
GtkSourceView >= 3.0 (gtksourceview-3.0.vapi is automatically generated from upstream and distributed with Vala)
PeasGtk >=1.0 (libpeas-gtk-1.0.vapi is automatically generated from upstream and distributed with Vala)
...and Vala >= 0.11
Source & support files
A Gedit plugin compiled from Vala/Genie source files is composed of just two files: a library (.so) and the plugin file definition (.plugin).
Our example plugin will be contained in just one Vala soure file, so the directory listing at the start will be:
$ ls gedit-3-example.plugin gedit-3-example-plugin.vala
In order to make the example really simple we decided to implement a very basic function: the plugin will just close an xml tag upon writing the '>'. Eg. if you write <test> it will add the corresponding </test> close tag.
Source code for the file: gedit-3-example-plugin.vala
using GLib;
namespace GeditPluginExample
* This class will be instantiated and activated for each Gedit View
public class View : Gedit.ViewActivatable, Peas.ExtensionBase
public View ()
GLib.Object ();
public Gedit.View view {
owned get; construct;
public void activate ()
print ("View: activated\n");
view.key_release_event.connect (this.on_key_release);
public void deactivate ()
print ("View: deactivated\n");
view.key_release_event.disconnect (this.on_key_release);
private bool on_key_release (Gtk.Widget sender, Gdk.EventKey event)
if (event.str == ">") {
// Close the tag
Gedit.View view = (Gedit.View)sender;
Gtk.TextBuffer buffer = view.get_buffer ();
Gtk.TextIter end, start;
buffer.get_iter_at_mark (out end, (Gtk.TextMark) buffer.get_insert ());
if (end.backward_char ()) {
start = end;
if (start.backward_word_start ()) {
string tag = "</%s>".printf (buffer.get_text (start, end, false));
// add the closing tag
buffer.begin_user_action ();
buffer.insert_interactive_at_cursor (tag, -1, true);
buffer.end_user_action ();
// move cursor back
buffer.get_iter_at_mark (out end, (Gtk.TextMark) buffer.get_insert ());
end.backward_chars (tag.length);
buffer.place_cursor (end);
return true;
* Plugin config dialog
public class Config : Peas.ExtensionBase, PeasGtk.Configurable
public Config ()
Object ();
public Gtk.Widget create_configure_widget ()
return new Gtk.Label (" Gedit 3.0 Example Vala Plugin ");
public void peas_register_types (TypeModule module)
var objmodule = module as Peas.ObjectModule;
// Register my plugin extension
objmodule.register_extension_type (typeof (Gedit.ViewActivatable), typeof (GeditPluginExample.View));
// Register my config dialog
objmodule.register_extension_type (typeof (PeasGtk.Configurable), typeof (GeditPluginExample.Config));
Contents of the plugin definition file: gedit-3-example.plugin
[Plugin] IAge=2 Name=Vala Example Plugin Description=A simple Vala Example Plugin Authors=Andrea Del Signore <> Copyright=Copyright © 2011 Andrea Del Signore Website=
Compiling & Installing
$ valac \ --pkg gtk+-3.0 \ --pkg gedit \ --pkg libpeas-gtk-1.0 \ --pkg gtksourceview-3.0 \ gedit-3-example-plugin.vala \ -X --shared \ -X -fPIC \ --library libgedit-3-example-plugin \ --output $ cp gedit-3-example.plugin ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins/
Start gedit 3 and enable the plugin from the edit -> preference menu