RTM-GLib is a library which provides access to the API of Remember The Milk.
Remember The Milk is a task and time management web application.
RTM-GLib 0.1.0 (27/10/2009)
RTM-Glib released (07/10/2009)
RTM-GLib depends on:
GLib (glib-2.0)
librest (rest)
The cutting-edge version of this project is always available from the Git repository at http://gitorious.org/rtm-glib/.
0.1.1 (19 Nov 2009) - rtm-glib-0.1.1.tar.gz (md5: a99d01340834ade1f2015e849eaea3ee)
Version 0.1.1 (19 Nov 2009) =========================== Maintenance release just to fix some issues in order to use the library from external applications. Summary of changes: * Created .pc file and configured library headers. * Automatize ChangeLog generation. * Implemented new API methos: * contacts * rtm.contacts.add * rtm.contacts.delete * rtm.contacts.getList * Added TODO file.
0.1.0 (27 Oct 2009) - rtm-glib-0.1.0.tar.gz (md5: 3e4865c8e7712bb92ad16b02b9a3bdda)
RTM-GLib is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version.
- Pending API methods.
GObject introspection support.
- Asynchronous calls support.
You can find a full example about how to use this library in the file examples/rtm-glib-examples.c.
Create a new RtmGlib object:
RtmGlib *rtm = rtm_glib_new (YOUR_RTM_API_KEY, YOUR_RTM_SHARED_SECRET);
You will need to request an API key at Remember The Milk website.
Get the authentication frob:
gchar *frob = rtm_glib_auth_get_frob (rtm, NULL);
Request the login URL:
gchar *url = rtm_glib_auth_get_login_url (rtm, frob, NULL)
Get the authentication token:
gchar *auth_token = rtm_glib_auth_get_token (rtm, frob, NULL);
Check that the user is logged:
gchar *username = rtm_glib_test_login (rtm, auth_token, NULL);
List of tasks
Call method rtm.tasks.getList with an RtmGlib object already authenticated:
GList *glist = rtm_glib_tasks_get_list (rtm, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); for (GList *item = glist; item; item = g_list_next (item)) { RtmTask *task = (RtmTask *) item->data; g_print ("%s", rtm_task_to_string (task)); }