2-08-2013 MouseTrap Meeting Summary
- Meeting started by darci at 18:06 CET.
- Meeting ended at 19:03 CET.
- Participants (Lines Said):
- Heidi - heidi (92)
- Amber - amber (64)
- Stoney - Stoney (43)
- Joanie - joanie (32)
- Darci - darci (23)
- Greg - ghislop (56)
- John - john (16)
- Logan - LoganH (14)
- Nikki - Dark_Rose (6)
- Piñeiro - API (5)
- Nikki - Dark_Rose (2)
Status Updates from Students
- amber is still working on OpenCV issues.
- LoganH updated to Fedora 18; is now working to get caught back up
Dark_Rose has fedora 18 installed, has cloned amber's fork and is looking into using GitHub to fork amber's fork
- john is planning to switch to Amber's fork, add steps to wiki (USB creation) and work on an install shell script.