Installing a hardware testing controller
- Write the hwtest image to a USB key
- Boot the controller system from the USB key
- Login as root (no password)
- Do:
gnome-hwtest-install --controller
- Confirm the drive you want to install on - ALL DATA WILL BE ERASED
- Reboot
- Login as root (still no password)
Determine the MAC addresses of your public and private network interfaces. (ifconfig -a to list the interfaces; ifconfig <ifname> up, look at /sys/class/net/<ifname>/carrier to see if it's plugged in or not. Is adding ethtool to the hwtest image worthwhile?)
- In /srv/gnome-hwtest edit the file controller.conf to have the right public and private MAC addresses.
[controller] private_hwaddr=<private_hwaddr> public_hwaddr=<public_hwaddr>
- Reboot the machine.
Add a target system or systems - see Adding a target to a controller