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Welcome to the GStreamer SOC 2013 ideas page. Due to the moin wiki outdage, the GStreamer project doesn't have an active Wiki. The GNOME project has been kind enough to let us use theirs. Please collect ideas for google summer of code 2013 projects that are GStreamer related here.

Project proposals which lets a student cooperate closely with established developers are strongly prefered over projects which makes the students work alone. So when we choose which projects gets the go-ahead such projects will be prioritized.

Be aware that projects related to applications using GStreamer are more than welcome to be proposed and done under the banner of the GStreamer GSoC. So if you want to do a project related to for instance Totem, Rhythmbox, Banshee, Jokosher, Pitivi, gnome-media, Buzztard, Thoggen, Amarok, Flumotion, Exaile and so on feel free to add it below.


This section contains some general information for potential mentors and students interesting in participating in GSoC under the GStreamer banner.

We will try to do GSoC in a more firm way than what we feel other mentoring organisations have done in earlier years. This mean we will require that our mentors have a firm comittment to follow-up their student(s). It also mean that the mentors will be checked up upon by the GStreamer SoC administrators to make sure they are following up their students in a good manner. For mentors this means that being a mentor will be expected to be more than just replying to questions asked from the student(s), but also function as a project leader for the student in question in terms of pushing for progress proactively and trying to help the student progress.

We hope that by stressing that the mentors need to see themselves as project leaders and not just as someone to reply to questions we will be able to keep most of our students on track and on-the-ball throughout the project period.

But in the same vein that we will try to push our mentors harder we will also be harder on our students. Which means that any student being mentored under our banner who we during the project period we feel didn't give it the priority and effort the project mandated, will have their final result judged harder than someone we feel give it a honest and strong attempt. This essentially mean that if you sign up for SoC and don't put a strong effort inn the chance of us not approving your project is probably higher than with many other mentoring organisations which in the end also means Google will not be paying out any money to the student in question.

Project proposals

The following is merely a small selection of possible GSoC ideas. Students are encouraged to submit their own project ideas related to GStreamer, and are encouraged to pop into #gstreamer on FreeNode IRC or send a mail to the mailing list to get feedback on their ideas before submitting them.




Android Platform Support

Windows Platform Support

OS/X Platform Support

Orc Acceleration



Tips for writing a good proposal

2024-10-23 11:36