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1. Summary

Represented Outreachy at the Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computer Science conference. Presented on a panel for "Why is open source good for business?"

Overall, Tapia was a success! We distributed all but two of our 100 flyers, and 53 students signed up for the Outreachy mailing list.

2. Details

As prep for the conference, I created a standing banner, printed fliers, and bought a table cloth. The Outreachy booth generated the majority of email sign-ups, with fliers given out at open source sessions and maybe 10 emails gathered from contacts at meals.

The open source sessions went well, and there was a lot of interest. Most of the interest was at the "getting started in open source" bof at 3:30pm on Wednesday. It was in an intimate presentation room with about 25 people, and students felt comfortable asking questions.

3. CiviCRM

I looked through CiviCRM documentation and attempted to install it locally, but didn't finish the install.

2024-10-23 11:28