1. Samples for org coordinators and mentors
Please coordinate between coordinators and mentors in each organization on who sends these e-mails. It's recommended that you follow up with all applicants who completed a contribution with an encouragement. There is no need to stick to these templates at all - depending on a mentor's relationship with an applicant, the e-mails can be less formal and more specific.
1.1. Applicant was not accepted
You can use "Outreachy application follow-up" as a subject.
1.1.1. Applicant made a contribution No full-time job or school
Dear [APPLICANT FIRST NAME], Unfortunately, we were not able to select you for this round of Outreachy internships with [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION]. We'd like to encourage you to keep contributing to [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION] and apply for the next round of Outreachy. The next round will have internship dates from May 30 to August 30, 2017, and an application deadline on March 30. There will also be another round in a year. Please feel free to ask [FIRST NAME OF MENTOR APPLICANT WORKED WITH] for guidance and help with your future contributions. [SPECIFIC ADVICE ABOUT STAYING INVOLVED, e.g. "Reading Planet GNOME, signing up for desktop-devel-list, hanging out on the #gnome-shell, #gnome-newcomers and #gnome-hackers IRC channels, signing up for GNOME Shell Bugzilla and commit updates are all excellent ways to stay in touch with the GNOME community and GNOME Shell project."] The list of accepted participants is posted on Thanks again for your interest to work on [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION], contribution to [PROJECT APPLICANT CONTRIBUTED TO], and taking the time to apply for the program! Sincerely, [RESPONDER FIRST NAME] Full-time school
Dear [APPLICANT FIRST NAME], Unfortunately, we were not able to select you for this round of Outreachy internships with [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION]. This program is expected to be a full-time effort, and your school commitments made you ineligible for this round according to . We would like to encourage you to continue contributing to [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION] in your spare time and apply for the next round of Outreachy, if you are eligible to participate then. The next round will have internship dates from May 30 to August 30, 2017, and an application deadline on March 30. Please feel free to ask [FIRST NAME OF MENTOR APPLICANT WORKED WITH] for guidance and help with your future contributions. [SPECIFIC ADVICE ABOUT STAYING INVOLVED, e.g. "Reading Planet GNOME, signing up for desktop-devel-list, hanging out on the #gnome-shell, #gnome-newcomers and #gnome-hackers IRC channels, signing up for GNOME Shell Bugzilla and commit updates are all excellent ways to stay in touch with the GNOME community and GNOME Shell project."] The list of accepted participants is posted on Thanks again for your interest to work on [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION], contribution to [PROJECT APPLICANT CONTRIBUTED TO], and taking the time to apply for the program! Thanks, [RESPONDER FIRST NAME] Full-time job
Dear [APPLICANT FIRST NAME], Unfortunately, we were not able to select you for this round of Outreachy internships with [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION]. This program is expected to be a full-time effort, and your school commitments made you ineligible for this round according to . We would like to encourage you to continue contributing to [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION] in your spare time, develop more experience contributing to Free and Open Source Software, and apply for a full time job in the field. You can find many opportunities available at Please feel free to ask [FIRST NAME OF MENTOR APPLICANT WORKED WITH] for guidance and help with your future contributions. [SPECIFIC ADVICE ABOUT STAYING INVOLVED, e.g. "Reading Planet GNOME, signing up for desktop-devel-list, hanging out on the #gnome-shell, #gnome-newcomers and #gnome-hackers IRC channels, signing up for GNOME Shell Bugzilla and commit updates are all excellent ways to stay in touch with the GNOME community and GNOME Shell project."] The list of accepted participants is posted on Thanks again for your interest to work on [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION], contribution to [PROJECT APPLICANT CONTRIBUTED TO], and taking the time to apply for the program! Thanks, [RESPONDER FIRST NAME]
1.1.2. Applicant didn't make a contribution
Dear [APPLICANT FIRST NAME], Thank you for your interest in Outreachy! Completing a small contribution to the project you are interested in is required for applying for the program. Because you have not made the required contribution, we were not able to consider your candidacy for this round. I would like to encourage you to learn more about [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION] and other Free and Open Source Software organizations, try out the technology they create, start contributing to one of them in your spare time, and apply for the next round which will have internship dates from May 30 to August 30, 2017, and an application deadline on March 30, or for the round after that in a year. The list of accepted participants is posted on Thanks, [RESPONDER FIRST NAME]