1. Samples for org coordinators
1.1. Applicant was not accepted
You can use "OPW application follow-up" as a subject. Unlike in previous rounds, please don't CC in your response.
1.1.1. Applicant made a contribution No full-time job
Dear [APPLICANT FIRST NAME], Unfortunately, we were not able to select you for this round of the Outreach Program for Women internships with [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION]. We'd like to encourage you to keep contributing to [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION] and apply for the next round of the outreach program. The next round will have internship dates from December 9, 2014 to March 9, 2015, and an application deadline on October 22. There will also be another round in a year. Please feel free to ask [FIRST NAME OF MENTOR APPLICANT WORKED WITH] for guidance and help with your future contributions. [SPECIFIC ADVICE ABOUT STAYING INVOLVED, e.g. "Reading Planet GNOME, signing up for gnome-women-list, hanging out on the #gnome-shell, #gnome-hackers and #gnome-women IRC channels, signing up for GNOME Shell Bugzilla and commit updates are all excellent ways to stay in touch with the GNOME community and GNOME Shell project."] Thanks again for your interest to work on [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION], contribution to [PROJECT APPLICANT CONTRIBUTED TO], and taking the time to apply for the program! Sincerely, [RESPONDER FIRST NAME] Full-time job
Dear [APPLICANT FIRST NAME], Unfortunately, we were not able to select you for this round of the Outreach Program for Women internships with [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION]. This program is expected to be a full-time effort, so it is not a good fit for someone with a full-time job. We would like to encourage you to continue contributing to [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION] in your spare time, develop more experience contributing to Free and Open Source Software, and apply for a full time job in the field. You can find many opportunities available at Please feel free to ask [FIRST NAME OF MENTOR APPLICANT WORKED WITH] for guidance and help with your future contributions. [SPECIFIC ADVICE ABOUT STAYING INVOLVED, e.g. "Reading Planet GNOME, signing up for gnome-women-list, hanging out on the #gnome-shell, #gnome-hackers and #gnome-women IRC channels, signing up for GNOME Shell Bugzilla and commit updates are all excellent ways to stay in touch with the GNOME community and GNOME Shell project."] The list of accepted participants is posted on Thanks again for your interest to work on [APPLICANT'S ORGANIZATION], contribution to [PROJECT APPLICANT CONTRIBUTED TO], and taking the time to apply for the program! Thanks, [RESPONDER FIRST NAME]
2. E-mails used by program coordinators
2.1. E-mail to accepted participants
opw-interns-may-2014 AT SPAMFREE gnome DOT org e-mail alias is created for all accepted participants; be sure to substitute 'AT SPAMFREE gnome DOT org' with the actual e-mail addresses before sending this message out
Subject: Congratulations on your OPW acceptance! Dear OPW interns, Congratulations on being accepted for the Outreach Program for Women organized by the GNOME Foundation! The list of all accepted participants is now posted on and on . Please write back as soon as possible to confirm that you will be able to participate in the program. Please let us know if any corrections need to be made to your listing. There are several ways we would like to keep in touch with all participants: * Blogs * If you don't already have one, please start one. You can use , , or for creating your blog. Please write updates about your work during the internship period every two weeks. Of course, you are welcome to blog more often too and you are welcome to blog about any subject that you think would be of interest to the FOSS community. Once you have set up your blog, please create an account on and add a link to your RSS/ATOM feed and, optionally, a link to your picture, next to your name at . It will then be added to - the Women in Free Software planet. You can specify either the entire blog feed or a specific feed you want to be aggregated. This is a great way for the FOSS community to find out what you are doing and for you to find out about each other's work! Many of the participating organizations have planets for aggregating contributors' blogs. Please ask the coordinator from your organization about it and get your blog added to it too. * IRC * Please hang out in #opw on (GimpNET), in addition to the channels specific to your organization, at most times when you are doing internship work. Feel free to chat with each other or ask any questions in that channel any time. We'll have several IRC meetings during the internship period in that channel for everyone to meet each other and learn about opportunities in FOSS. The first one will be in the second week of the internship period. I will get it scheduled closer to the date. * E-mails for coordinators and mentors * opw-list AT SPAMFREE gnome DOT org is a private list for all of the program's coordinators and mentors. opw-admins AT SPAMFREE gnome DOT org is an e-mail alias for the coordinators of the program at the GNOME Foundation (Karen Sandler, Rosana Yuen, and myself). Please feel free to e-mail either address if you have any general question about the program at any time. For the questions specific to your organization, please contact your mentor, the organization's coordinator or a relevant mailing list. * Alias for all participants * opw-interns-may-2014 AT SPAMFREE gnome DOT org is the e-mail alias for the e-mails of all participants. We'll use it to reach you and you can use it to chat with each other. We will also set up gsoc-opw-interns-2014 AT SPAMFREE gnome DOT org for Google Summer of Code interns who want to participate in the OPW community. You can use these aliases in combination with opw-list AT SPAMFREE gnome DOT org to reach everyone involved with this round of the program. * Twitter * OPW has its own Twitter account - @fossopw . Please feel free to follow it and mention it in your tweets. I have also started a list of the interns participating in this round at . Please let me know if you'd like to be added to it. You can find the information about our expectations during the program and payments schedule on . You can find the information about the $500 travel allowance available to you at . We will send you the instructions for information we need for sending you the payments and contracts for the program by next week. Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions or concerns any time! Thanks, Marina
2.2. E-mail to applicants who made a contribution
Subject: OPW application follow-up (recipients are in BCC) Dear applicant, Unfortunately, we were not able to select you for this round of the Outreach Program for Women internships. The response to the program has been very high this round, with 122 applicants successfully completing a contribution and establishing a relationship with a project they applied for. Organizations typically looked at the applicant's contribution, history of involvement in the organization they applied to work with and in Free and Open Source Software, strength of their background in the area they applied for, and ability to focus on the internship as their main activity during the internship dates when making the selection decisions. We hope what you learned about the organization you applied to work with and Free and Open Source Software community through this experience will lead to more opportunities for you in the future. We'd like to encourage you to keep contributing and apply for the next round of the outreach program. The next round will have internship dates from December 9, 2014 to March 9, 2015, and an application deadline on October 22. There will also be another round in a year. Please feel free to reach out to your mentor for continued informal mentorship in the work you are interested in and for further advice about how you can strengthen your experience in Free and Open Source Software. The list of accepted participants is posted on Thanks again for your interest in the program, contribution, and taking the time to apply! Sincerely, Marina Zhurakhinskaya OPW coordinator
2.3. E-mail to applicants who didn't make a contribution
Subject: OPW application follow-up (recipients are in BCC) Dear applicant, Thank you for your interest in the Outreach Program for Women! Completing a small contribution to the project you are interested in is required for applying for the program. Because you have not made the required contribution, we were not able to consider your candidacy for this round. I would like to encourage you to learn more about the organization you applied to work with and other Free and Open Source Software organizations, try out the technology they create, start contributing to one of them in your spare time, and apply for the next round which will have internship dates from December 9, 2014 to March 9, 2015, and an application deadline on October 22, or for the round after that in a year. The list of accepted participants is posted on Thanks, Marina Zhurakhinskaya OPW coordinator