GNOME-Sudoku Modernization

Short Description

GNOME's Sudoku game has too many complicated features, and it doesn't follow modern GNOME design principles. This proposal is aimed to completing the port to Vala, implementing the redesign mockups proposed, modernizing and simplifying the game.

I will be mentored by MichaelCatanzaro and AllanDay.

Benefits this project will have for GNOME

Sudoku is one of the many games GNOME offers to its users. Mines, Quadrapassel and other games have been ported Vala, and only Sudoku remains. Another thing is the current UI of Sudoku is old, and not designed keeping a “game” in mind. Allan has proposed a simple design that focuses on the game board and keeps various other options in the background. By completing the Vala port, maintaining Sudoku will become easier since developers from other games can also contribute to Sudoku. The current architecture can also be refactored which will make new changes easier (e.g. getting telepathy integrated). By redesigning Sudoku’s UI according to the proposed mockups, it will take full advantage of the features the latest gtk+ release provides (Header Bars, Popovers etc.) This will benefit GNOME games a lot since the mockups have been designed keeping the "game" in centre.

About Me

I am Parin Porecha, 20 years old 3rd year Computer Science and Engineering student at IIIT Hyderabad.

My Contact Details

Outreach/SummerOfCode/2014/Projects/ParinPorecha_SudokuModernization (last edited 2014-05-06 07:19:43 by ParinPorecha)