Boxes - Hardening sprint, express installation improvements & ISO download

Short Description

The aim of this project is to improve the stability and to make Boxes even more time saving as it is now. In order to achieve this I plan to widen the spectrum of supported operating systems/distributions for the express installation. Furthermore I will add an ISO downloading functionality which allows the user to provide the data needed for express installation before the download completes. This project also includes a hardening sprint for Boxes.

About Me

I am a bachelor student in the 4th semester studying Computer Science and Engineering in Hamburg (Germany) [0].


The project is finished. The following things were accomplished:

  • One can download ISOs directly in Boxes
  • Express installation works for installation scripts that need initrd injection
    • A debian script was written
    • A draft of an openSUSE script was written and will hopefully be applied in some weeks
  • I did many reviews and filed some minor bugs
    • As part of this I removed many hardcoded colors from Boxes' css file and therefore make it more compatible with other themes e.g. the accessibility theme.




Outreach/SummerOfCode/2014/Projects/LasseSchuirmann_BoxesExpressAndISO (last edited 2014-08-21 18:32:41 by LasseSchuirmann)