Short description

The Aim of the project is to improve test coverage for GNOME components.As a part of this project we will be working on important components being built on gnome-continuous namely: gedit, geary, gnome-documents, gnome-logs, evince, seahorse, gnome-maps, gnome-calculator, gnome-photos, gnome-software, evolution, gnome-control-center, gnome-weather, nautilus, gnome-terminal, gnome-clocks and totem.

About me

I am Shivani Poddar, a student pursuing BTech in Computer Sciences and MS by research in Exact Humanities (Social Computing) from IIIT-Hyderabad, India. I was an OPW intern with gnome-music last summer, working on which motivated me to take up this project. You can find me on the IRC channels #gnome-music, #testing, #qa, #gnome-hackers by the nick shivani. My blog is


May 19 to June 1

Work on setup and existing code. This included working with setting up gnome-continuous enviornment first. I then worked on the dogtail scrits for gnome-weather

June 2 to June 15

Writing/Integrating testing scripts in behave for gnome-weather

June 16 to June 29

Write scripts for next listed components

June 30 to July 13

Write more tests

July 14 to July 25

Write even more tests

July 26 to August 1

GUADEC and hacking for the project

August 2 to August 10

Run out of components to write tests for

August 11 to August 18

Wrap up the project

Work so far The novelty of the project in terms of API usage, resources available et al, the project probably consumed a little more of my time in grasping the components than I anticipated. However, the good news is that I was by the end able to put together few resources, which I hope will be good tutorials for devs willing to join our QA team. Navigating the UI by ipython , Behave, Setting up gnome-continuous. I intend to write more of these along with continuing to work with QA even after SoC :)

The code I wrote can be found here - gnome-weather , Evince.

Outreach/SummerOfCode/2014/Projects/ShivaniPoddar_GnomeContinuous (last edited 2014-08-20 18:26:07 by ShivaniPoddar)