1. Pitivi: UI Polishing
1.1. About the project:
Pitivi is a beautiful, powerful and intuitive movie editor by GNOME.
The current UI of Pitivi serves well to its aim of being an intuitive and flexible application for newbies as well as professionals but a little bit of polishing can take it more closer to that aim. This project will focus on improving the UI of Pitivi to enhance user experience. This primarily consists of two major tasks:
- Integrating the Welcome dialog box into Pitivi's main window and displaying projects in a more informative, discoverable, and user friendly layout.
- Allowing easy resizing of the video previewer.
1.2. Mentor:
Alexandru Băluț (He is one of the co-maintainers of Pitivi)
1.3. About me:
My name is Harish Fulara and I'm a Computer Science undergrad at IIIT Delhi, India. I have been using GNOME apps from past 4 years and I started contributing actively to GNOME from January 2018.
Email: harish14143@iiitd.ac.in
Blog: https://harishfulara07.wordpress.com/blog
1.4. Schedule:
Time Period |
Task(s) |
Status |
May 14th - May 27th |
1. Remove the current welcome dialog from Pitivi. |
May 28th - Jun 10th |
1. Integrate GTK.ListBox widget in the new welcome window to display recent projects. The list (for now) will display just a label with the project name. |
Jun 11th - Jun 24th |
1. Integrate project's meta information - directory and updation timestamp - in the recent projects list. |
Jun 25th - Jul 8th |
1. Implement search functionality in the new welcome window to allow for easy browsing of projects. |
Jul 9th - Jul 22th |
Integrate project thumbnails in the new Welcome window. |
Jul 23rd - Jul 29th |
Integrate corner marker on the bottom-left corner of the video previewer to allow for its easy resizing. |
Jul 30th - Aug 5th |
1. Display resize status (in %) over slightly dimmed video. |
In progress |
1.5. Blog posts:
1. Simple and robust algorithm for video thumbnail generation
2. Welcome window integration in Pitivi – Part 1
3. Welcome window integration in Pitivi – Part 2
4. Welcome window integration in Pitivi – Part 3
5. Welcome window integration in Pitivi – Part 4
6. Welcome window integration in Pitivi – Conclusion
7. Pitivi's UI Polishing - Final Report