1. Fractal: Fractal UI redesign and new dialogs
1.1. About the project:
- Fractal is still an early alpha Matrix client. There are many features which are left to be implemented and work to beautify the interface, with more informations available. This project have these objectives:
- Implement localization support
- Revamp the room directory
- Implement a media viewer
- Improve the behaviour of the "New Messages" divider
- Add support for multiline message input
- Add a context menu for messages
- Improve styling for quotes in the message history
1.2. About me:
- My name is Eisha Chen-yen-su, I am in third year of computer science "licence" (French bachelor's degree). I have been using programming languages like C, Python and Java for several years now. I learned Rust over a year ago. I have also used GNOME (on Fedora) for several years now.
E-mail: chenyensu0@gmail.com
Blog: GSoC 2018 with GNOME
1.3. GSoC Team:
- Mentor: Daniel García Moreno
Students: Eisha Chen-yen-su, Julian Sparber
1.4. Schedule:
- Please note that the "Redesign: "New messages" divider" task couldn't be finished, hence the "WIP" status and the undefined end date.
May 14th - May 19th
May 20th - June 4th
June 2nd - June 14th
June 15th - June 19th
June 20th - July 7th
July 8th - N.D.
July 13th - July 23rd
July 19th - August 5th
July 28th - July 30th
You can also track my progress on GitLab.
1.5. Result:
All the work I've done has been merged. Except some minor bugs, the essential of the work was finished on time. Have a look at my final report for more details.