1. Implement search and replace, spell check for Builder
1.1. Short Description
Search and Replace is an essential functionality for code editing. To implement this feature for Builder, we will improve the developer experience. First, I will implement gedit like search and replace functionality, then I will implement more advanced features allowing users to do search and replace across multiple files. A Spell Check plugin will also be implemented to help developers avoid common mistakes in code and documentation.
1.2. About me
I'm Fangwen Yu, a second year graduate student majoring in Cryptography in College of Computer and Control Engineering, Nankai University, China. My IRC nick on GIMPNet is yufw and my blog is http://whatthebug.info/
1.3. Schedule
May 23 - May 31 |
Create search and replace UI |
June 1 - June 10 |
Implement basic search and replace functionality |
June 11 - June 17 |
Implement various search and replace options |
June 18 - June 27 |
Implement search in files, mid term evaluation |
June 28 - July 11 |
Implement search and replace in files |
July 12 - July 18 |
Implement search and replace in selection |
July 19 - July 31 |
Implement a spell check plugin |
August 1 - August 11 |
Implement spell check for function and variable names |
August 12 - August 14 |
Attend GUADEC |
August 15 - August 23 |
Tidy code, fix potential bugs, add documentation, final submission |