1. GNOME Sound Recorder
1.1. Meg Ford
1.1.1. Abstract
This summer I intend to write a new sound recorder application for the desktop. The app will be Gstreamer based, and will be written in GJS. I intend to make use of some of the new widgets in Libgd as well as some of the new GNOME 3 style Gtk+ widgets such as EggListBox. I am going to be using Giovanni Campagna's new Gtk JS app base as the basis of my application. As I work on the project I also intend to file bugs and give feedback about the GNOME/GJS developer experience.[1]
[1] https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/project/google/gsoc2013/m_22/39001
1.1.2. Active Branch
Github branch:
1.1.3. Mockups
1.1.4. Design Whiteboard
1.1.5. Screencast & Screenshots
1.1.6. To Build
Clone the git in your jhbuild checkout: https://github.com/MegFord/gnome-sound-recorder.git
Run $ ./autogen.sh, $ make and $ make install. The app is run with $ jhbuild shell run gnome-sound-recorder.