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1. GNOME Journal (formerly GNOME Activity Journal)

By Stefano Candori

1.1. Overview of the project

The proposed project is about combining support for overviewing and re-finding past, current and future user activities in one user interface. Hence, I will revamp and rewrite the current Activity Journal application, which will then be hosted on the GNOME infrastructure. Beyond mapping out a user's past and current doings, the journal's UI-metaphor time lends itself to be further leveraged for reminding a user about upcoming stuff.

1.2. Screeshoot

Here you are with a screeshoot of the current state of the application (20th August 2012, end of GSOC).

The Journal

1.3. Code

Here you can find the application being implemented. Github

1.4. Roadmap

Apr. 23, 2012 - May 07, 2012 (Phase 1): (Done)

May. 08, 2012 - May 22, 2012 (Phase 2): (Done)

May. 23, 2012 - Jun. 06, 2012 (Phase 3): (Done)

Jun. 07, 2012 - Jun. 21, 2012 (Phase 4): (Done)

Jun. 22, 2012 - Jul. 6 2012 (Phase 5): (Done)

Jul. 7, 2012 - Jul. 21, 2012 (Phase 6): (Done)

Jul. 22, 2012 - Aug. 5, 2012 (Phase 7): (Done)

Aug 6, 2012 - Aug 20, 2012 (Phase 8): (Done)

1.5. Reports

Here you can find links to the GSOC reports with screenshoots and videos.

1.6. Contact

Email: <scandori AT SPAMFREE gnome DOT org>

IRC: cando_ (gimpnet - #zeitgeist, #gnome-hackers, #gnome-shell)


2024-10-23 11:28