1. GNOME Journal (formerly GNOME Activity Journal)
By Stefano Candori
1.1. Overview of the project
The proposed project is about combining support for overviewing and re-finding past, current and future user activities in one user interface. Hence, I will revamp and rewrite the current Activity Journal application, which will then be hosted on the GNOME infrastructure. Beyond mapping out a user's past and current doings, the journal's UI-metaphor time lends itself to be further leveraged for reminding a user about upcoming stuff.
1.2. Screeshoot
Here you are with a screeshoot of the current state of the application (20th August 2012, end of GSOC).
1.3. Code
Here you can find the application being implemented. Github
1.4. Roadmap
Apr. 23, 2012 - May 07, 2012 (Phase 1): (Done)
- Kick-off discussion with mentors and other Zeitgeist team members about the overall design of the project and about planned achievements
- Begin to mock up and design relevant parts of the journal
- Study the GNOME technologies needed
May. 08, 2012 - May 22, 2012 (Phase 2): (Done)
- Continue design discussions and rapid prototyping of chosen design ideas
- Continue studying and getting familiar with relevant technologies
May. 23, 2012 - Jun. 06, 2012 (Phase 3): (Done)
- Get feedback from designers and community about the prototype
- Modify the prototype based on feedback
Jun. 07, 2012 - Jun. 21, 2012 (Phase 4): (Done)
- Iterate on phase 3 in reaction to working prototypes
- Start re-writing the journal
Jun. 22, 2012 - Jul. 6 2012 (Phase 5): (Done)
- Implementation sprint
- Bug fixing for mid-term release
- Prepare material for mid-term release
Jul. 7, 2012 - Jul. 21, 2012 (Phase 6): (Done)
- Planning of remaining implementation work and continuing on it
- Get feedback from community
Jul. 22, 2012 - Aug. 5, 2012 (Phase 7): (Done)
- Finalizing the journal implementation work
- Testing and bug fixing based on designers’ and community feedback
Aug 6, 2012 - Aug 20, 2012 (Phase 8): (Done)
- Scrub code, improve documentation, testing and bug fixing
- Prepare material for final release
1.5. Reports
Here you can find links to the GSOC reports with screenshoots and videos.
1.6. Contact
Email: <scandori AT SPAMFREE gnome DOT org>
IRC: cando_ (gimpnet - #zeitgeist, #gnome-hackers, #gnome-shell)