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1. GCompris Music

Beth Hadley

My project consisted of adding a full suite of music activities to GCompris. Music education, specifically for children ages 2-10, has been proven through numerous studies to improve cognition and literacy. GCompris formerly had very few music activities, and no music theory instruction. The suite of activities I developed engage children with educational musical games and activities which emphasize both the fundamentals of music and musical creation. In addition to my activities, I endeavored to maintain excellent online documentation to assist future developers who wish to use my code to develop additional music activities.

I created the following six activities:

I wanted to insure that my impact on GCompris extended beyond just the music activities I developed, especially since I expect future developers of GCompris to develop additional music activities. For my music activities, I created an extensive module, called gcomprismusic, to create and manage common music objects for my GCompris activities (such as musical staffs (bass and treble), notes (eighth, quarter, half, whole), and the piano keyboard. I hope future developers will benefit from using my module, so I endeavored to make it extremely accessible to users by creating extensive documentation online at : GCompris wiki: Using the gcomprismusic module

I sincerely wish to thank my mentor, Bruno Coudoin, for his support and guidance this summer. I also wish to extend my thanks to the GNOME community who read my blogs on Planet GNOME, sent me ideas, tested my activities, and expressed interest in my work at GUADEC. Thank you to the GNOME Outreach organizers and coordinators, who made this program possible. It was phenomenal to meet everyone at GUADEC this summer and I look forward to continuing to contribute to GNOME in the future! See you at the Boston Summit!

Original Google Summer of Code Proposal:


1.1. Contact


IRC: bhadley

2024-10-23 11:28