1. OnScreenKeyboard Project
The goal of this project is to enhance user experience by being able to perform text entry without access to a physical keyboard. I will be using libcaribou features and reusing Eeekboard implementations in my code, as well, as looking at other onscreen keyboards for UI inspiration (ie. touch-screen products).
2. Weekly Reports
Week One consisted of getting in touch with my mentor and starting on the keyboard renderer. Week 1.odt
Week Two consisted of developing a working keyboard, which includes key presses, extended keys, and proper layout generation from the libcaribou backbone. Week 2.odt
Week Three consisted of showing/hiding the keyboard properly on the screen Week 3.odt
Week Four consisted of getting "floating" keyboard code working properly Week 4.odt
Week Five consisted of correctly sending signals for Ctrl/Alt key presses Week 5.odt
Week Six Week 6.odt
Week Seven Week 7.odt
Week Eight Week 8.odt
Week Nine Week 9.odt
Week Ten Week 10.odt
Week Eleven Week 11.odt
Week Twelve Week 12.odt
For more information about my progress check out my blog at justabovethetagclouds.blogspot.com