1. Ease : painless presentations for the GNOME desktop
This Google Summer of Code project is about creating a presentation editor and player for the GNOME Desktop. Taking benefit of the Clutter and GTK+ libraries with the Vala programming language, it aims to be nice, fast and user-friendly (i.e GNOME-ish).
The project is driven by Nate Stedman, which is also the project's mentor.
More information (screenshots, getting the source and such) can be found on the wiki page.
1.0.1. Weekly reports
Week 00: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-soc-list/2010-May/msg00015.html
Week 01: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-soc-list/2010-May/msg00055.html
Week 02: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-soc-list/2010-June/msg00026.html
Week 03: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-soc-list/2010-June/msg00047.html
Week 04: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-soc-list/2010-June/msg00083.html
Week 5 and 6 were made of traveling + settling + visiting, etc.
Week 07 : http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-soc-list/2010-July/msg00033.html
Week 08 : http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-soc-list/2010-July/msg00056.html
Week 9 and 10 were also made of traveling, and the GUADEC. I did daily reports of GUADEC, available on my blog at http://freesteph.info .
1.0.2. Progress tracking
Plugin infrastructure : TODO plugins are not seperated from core yet
Export plugin (PDF/PNG/OGV) DONE we export to Postscript/PDF and HTML5!
Stock images fetcher from different (free) online sources DONE the flickr fetcher is pretty cool.
Presenter tips : chronometer, progress bar, spotlight (as seen in Impressive) DONE roughly done, needs more love.
Simple effect format (XML/JSon based) INVALID I dropped that feature, cause you don't use effects in a presentation.
Integration with other applications (GIMP/Inkscape/PiTiVi/F-Spot) INVALID Again, not a clever feature, you shouldn't switch between apps.
Translation/Packaging/Documentation DONE We use GNOME Damned Lies, we have deb and rpm packages, and the code is documented.
GNOME infrastructure tasks : use git.gnome.org, set up a mailing list, a wiki page and such DONE we use GNOME for code hosting, bug-tracking and the wiki. No mailing list and website though
1.0.3. Future
Ease is a good presentation tool, I want to make it a great presentation tool. I'm thinking about more web integration, automatic clever alignement of elements, text shadowing and whatever the users will request along the way. I would also like to try some new UIs, the UX team will help about that.