1. Summer of Code 2007 Debrief
1.1. How we did it
- Board requested Vincent to organize SoC
- Everyone was busy, Vincent was assigned to make a call for fresh-new SoC admins
- Two kickoff meetings
- February 22: SoC 2007 wiki page created
- March 9: pool of ideas was announced and started
- March 12: Behdad subscribed GNOME as SoC organization
- March 19: call for members in Selection Committee (discussion among admins + list of invitations + mails sent)
- March 14: triaging of the ideas (Rock Stars, Alternatives, Underground)
- March 26: student application deadline
April 28: first welcome message to students (Read)
May 2: students progress reports were requested to be delivered each monday (notifications were sent to lagged students) (Read)
August 21: mentors were reminded about mid-term survey (Read)
- Mid-term survey was completed during GUADEC
August 21: final reports were requested from students (Read)
August 21: mentors were reminded about final survey (Read)
1.2. The good
- Weekly report and having Lucas to ping missing ones
- A selection committee for choosing the projects
- Comments from community about the submitted applications (Google accounts can be a barrier though)
- Applications were better written and there was a better involvement from each student to clarify and improve their applications and to better define their goals to be achieved at the end of SoC
- Sponsorship for students to attend GUADEC
- GTK+ books for two students during GUADEC
- Welcome messages to students and mentors
1.3. The bad
- We weren't strict about missing or late reports.and that beat us at the end for one student+mentor
- There was one case of an unknown/untrusted mentor (hard to contact and get feedback about student's progress)
- We should encourage more mailing list posts to create an atmosphere of liveness during SoC
- Require/suggest student-mentor communication on the relevant upstream project mailing list
- Pool of ideas started too late. We didn't have enough quality ideas when student applications started
- We were not reactive enough to applications: we should have commented earlier, saying "we want more details" (although we did better this year than last year)
- We need more/better communication and summarizing at the end of the program
- Certain things were done at the last minute (for instance, the mid-term and final surveys)
1.4. Suggestions
- Many mentoring organizations ask applicants (or students during the bonding period) to provide a bug fix to show that they can find they way in the code.
- Standard for applications with defined goals, deliverables, etc.
- Define a quota for new ideas (not listed in the pool).
- SoC as a yearlong project with the list of ideas being created from January. SoC doesn't need to be a Google SoC-only thing.
- We should go over and send the students either "Congrats on finishing, now hang around #gnome-hackers" or "We're sorry... hang around #gnome-hackers".