1. Step 1
Check with the GNOME Foundation board about the sponsorship by e-mailing board-list@gnome.org
- typically the GNOME Foundation can sponsor 3 interns a round, which is $19,500 total at $6,500 per intern, so this is what you should ask for
- share any success from a prior round, alums speaking about GNOME at GUADEC or other conferences, or alums continuing on by participating in GSoC with GNOME or otherwise contributing to GNOME.
E-mail from February 2020
Subject: Outreachy sponsorship for May internships Hi GNOME Foundation Board, Outreachy's deadline for community sign-ups for the May-August internships round is February 18. It would be great to have GNOME signed up and have mentors start adding project ideas even sooner, and I will initiate it as soon as I get funding confirmation from you. Could you possibly make funding for 3 interns ($19,500 total at $6,500 per intern) available for this round? In the current December round, GNOME accepted two interns and they both received great mid-point feedback. You can learn more about them, their mentors, and projects at https://www.outreachy.org/alums/ Thanks! Marina
2. Step 2
Indicate that GNOME will participate on https://www.outreachy.org/communities/cfp/gnome/ If the GNOME Foundation committed to sponsoring 3 interns, provide the following sponsor info: Sponsor 1 - Organization or company full legal name: GNOME Foundation Sponsor 1 - Sponsorship amount: 19500
3. Step 3
Update GNOME's Outreachy wiki page
- In the "Choose a Project" section, update application deadline date and the start of the contribution period
In the "Choose a Project" section, Add or remove {{{#!wiki comment }}} around GSoC information depending on the round
- In the "Choose a Project" section (when GSoC is in session) and in the "For Mentors" section, update deadlines for when projects need to be submitted by mentors
- Update "Previous Rounds" count and dates
4. Step 4
Send a call for mentors and applicants to the mailing lists.
E-mail from February 2020, for the May round when Outreachy runs in parallel with GSoC:
To: desktop-devel-list@gnome.org, foundation-list@gnome.org, gnome-women-list@gnome.org Subject:Sign-up to mentor a project or apply for Outreachy by February 24 Hi all, The GNOME Foundation has confirmed funding for three spots in Outreachy for the May 2020 round! If you would like to mentor this round, please head to https://www.outreachy.org/outreachy-may-2020-internship-round/communities/gnome/submit-project/ as soon as possible and submit your project idea there. All project ideas need to be added in the Outreachy's application system by mentors by 4pm UTC on February 24 and approved by the triage committee (Matthias Clasen, Allan Day, and Sriram Ramkrishna) and coordinator (me) by 4pm UTC on February 25. Only ideas approved in the system by February 25 will be available for Outreachy this round. You can offer the same project idea for Outreachy as you are offering for Google Summer of Code (you still need to list it in the Outreachy system as described above). If you have the same applicant who applies for both programs, we will first consider them for GSoC, as GNOME has more spots there. However, please note that the GSoC stipend is less than the Outreachy stipend in many countries. Outreachy has some guidance related to that for applicants: https://www.outreachy.org/apply/gsoc/ and https://www.outreachy.org/blog/outreachy-applications-are-open/ Initial Outreachy applications are also due by 4pm UTC on February 25. If you are interested in participating, you can review the Outreachy applicant guide at https://www.outreachy.org/docs/applicant/ and apply at https://www.outreachy.org/apply/ Outreachy has recently restructured its application process so that all applicants have the same amount of time to contribute to projects during the contribution period, which this round is from March 5 to April 7. Because GNOME only usually has a few participants in Outreachy, we are looking to offer projects that are most strategic for GNOME. These include, but are not limited to, projects in the area of privacy, GTK+, core experience, core applications, developer experience, and development infrastructure. More information about GNOME's participation in Outreachy is available at https://wiki.gnome.org/Outreach/Outreachy . Please feel free to e-mail gnome-outreachy-list@gnome.org , which is a private mailing list with Outreachy coordinator and mentors for GNOME, with any questions. Thanks, Marina
E-mail from September 2019, for the December round when GSoC is not happening in parallel to Outreachy:
To: desktop-devel-list@gnome.org, foundation-list@gnome.org, gnome-women-list@gnome.org Subject: Sign-up to mentor a project or apply for Outreachy by September 23 Hi all, The GNOME Foundation has confirmed funding for three spots in Outreachy for the December 2019 round! If you would like to mentor this round, please head to https://www.outreachy.org/december-2019-to-march-2020-internship-round/communities/gnome/submit-project/ as soon as possible and submit your project idea there. All project ideas need to be added in the Outreachy's application system by mentors by 4pm UTC on September 23 and approved by the triage committee (Matthias Clasen, Allan Day, and Sriram Ramkrishna) and coordinator (me) by 4pm UTC on September 24. Only ideas approved in the system by September 24 will be available for Outreachy this round. Initial Outreachy applications are also due by 4pm UTC on September 24. If you are interested in participating, you can review the Outreachy applicant guide at https://www.outreachy.org/docs/applicant/ and apply at https://www.outreachy.org/apply/ Outreachy has restructured its application process this round, so that all applicants have the same amount of time to contribute to projects during the application period from October 1 to November 5. You can learn more about the changes at https://www.outreachy.org/blog/2019-07-23/outreachy-schedule-changes/ Because GNOME only usually has a few participants in Outreachy, we are looking to offer projects that are most strategic for GNOME. These include, but are not limited to, projects in the area of privacy, GTK+, core experience, core applications, developer experience, and development infrastructure. More information about GNOME's participation in Outreachy is available at https://wiki.gnome.org/Outreach/Outreachy . Please feel free to e-mail gnome-outreachy-list@gnome.org , which is a private mailing list with Outreachy coordinator and mentors for GNOME, with any questions. Thanks, Marina
5. Step 5
Post a call for mentors and applicants on Discourse
Community Outreach category, newcomer tag
December 2019 Hi all, The GNOME Foundation has confirmed funding for three spots in Outreachy for the December 2019 round! If you would like to mentor this round, please head to the [project submission page](https://www.outreachy.org/december-2019-to-march-2020-internship-round/communities/gnome/submit-project/) as soon as possible and submit your project idea there. All project ideas need to be added in the Outreachy's application system by mentors by 4pm UTC on September 23 and approved by the triage committee (Matthias Clasen, Allan Day, and Sriram Ramkrishna) and coordinator (me) by 4pm UTC on September 24. Only ideas approved in the system by September 24 will be available for Outreachy this round. Initial Outreachy applications are also due by 4pm UTC on September 24. If you are interested in participating, you can review the [Outreachy applicant guide](https://www.outreachy.org/docs/applicant/) and [apply](https://www.outreachy.org/apply/). Outreachy has restructured its application process this round, so that all applicants have the same amount of time to contribute to projects during the application period from October 1 to November 5. You can learn more about the changes in Outreachy's [blog post](https://www.outreachy.org/blog/2019-07-23/outreachy-schedule-changes/). Because GNOME only usually has a few participants in Outreachy, we are looking to offer projects that are most strategic for GNOME. These include, but are not limited to, projects in the area of privacy, GTK+, core experience, core applications, developer experience, and development infrastructure. You can find more [information about GNOME's participation in Outreachy](https://wiki.gnome.org/Outreach/Outreachy) on GNOME wiki. Please feel free to e-mail gnome-outreachy-list@gnome.org , which is a private mailing list with Outreachy coordinator and mentors for GNOME, with any questions. Thanks, Marina
6. Step 6
This step needs to be completed by the project submission deadline for the round. Review all projects that were submitted under https://www.outreachy.org/dashboard/#actions and e-mail a summary of them (their titles and mentor names) to the triage committee (Matthias Clasen, Allan Day, and Sriram Ramkrishna). Make a determination with the help of the committee if all the projects are strategic for GNOME and have mentors who are established contributors with relevant experience to mentor these projects. Approve the projects that meet these criteria and mentors for them on the above page. Note that there are separate actions that need to be taken to approve projects and to approve mentors new to Outreachy.