Hello, my name is Olya Fomenko. I am third-year student at National Building Academy from Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
I actually got good math background as well as some knowledge of Java language from university.
I am used to write Java/Android code, know object-oriented programming paradigms. Also I am familiar with patterns and best practices in Android. For one year I am working as professional Android Developer. For the internships period I will have ability to work 40 hours per week.
I'm interested in project "Mifos X Android Client Version 2" proposed by Mifos' ideas page. It actually sounds like a quite complex task. I have already revised previous Client version found on Github ans started to redesign the application to Material Design.
In our city we have quite active Google Developers Group (GDG), and they share a best practices and cutting-edge news related to Android development, so I know how to create applications for Android 5+ with Material design and for Android 6+ with new permissions system that will be suitable for this project.
If possible could you please describe some tasks that I should complete to confirm my ability to work on this project. Thanks in advance!
Best regards, Olya