1. List of WebDAV servers for testing gvfs-dav
This is a collection of WebDAV servers and related resources which are useful for testing the new WebDAV backend in GVFS.
http://www.ics.uci.edu/~ejw/authoring/implementation.html list of WebDAV client and server implementations - somewhat outdated, but extensive
http://www.w3.org/Jigsaw/ reference (HTTP) server by W3C consortium
http://test.webdav.org test site (seems to be rather dead, though)
http://mediacenter.gmx.net WebDAV-based online share by GMX mail provider (must be registered to use it)
http://sourceforge.net/projects/pandav/ PanDAV (server written in Python; quite incomplete, but basically working)
1.1. Servers that should be tested against
- Apache 2.0 (mod_dav)
- Microsoft Exchange Server (offers calendar data via WebDAV)
- Microsoft Sharepoint (?)