GNOME Keyring Manager: A real application you can help to develop

From the README:

  • This is a keyring management program for the GNOME Desktop. The development of this application will be like a tutorial for people on gnome-love and the main idea is that these people in gnome-love do the code themself, helped by the hacker-trainers.

How you can get involved

First, get the sources. GNOME Keyring Manager lives in the gnome-keyring-manager module of the GNOME Subversion repository. If you need help with Subversion, read this Subversion tutorial, or ask for help in #gnome-love on IRC.

See the /ToDo list for things that need to be done.

Newcomers/GnomeKeyringManager (last edited 2015-09-16 22:58:29 by CarlosSoriano)