This page is to remember people who have contributed to GNOME and who have passed away. A big thank you to all of you, and may you rest in peace.
Ettore Perazzoli - memorials by Federico Mena, Miguel de Icaza
Chema Celorio - memorials by Federico Mena, Miguel de Icaza
Mark Finlay - memorial by Alan Horkan
Malcolmn Tredinnick - memorial by GNOME News
Marco Pesenti Gritti - memorial by GNOME News
Telsa Gwynne - memorials by Mary Gardiner, Jonas Öberg, GNOME News, Dylan Owen
Thomas Wood - memorial by GNOME News
Raphael Higino - memorial in the GNOME 2.22 release notes
Magdalen Berns- memorial and life in
- Anders Carlsson
Marina Zhurakhinsakaya - memorials by Sumana Harihareswara, Software Freedom Conservancy news article: & funeral 15th June: