22:34 < brunobol> Hello! 22:34 < brunobol> Just in time! 22:34 < av> hey Bruno!! 22:35 < pedro> hola brunobol! 22:35 < brunobol> pedro, hola, my friend! 22:35 * pedro hugs brunobol 22:35 < pedro> so are we just missing tobias? 22:35 < av> exactly 22:36 < av> we are 4 members around now, which is enough for the quorum anyway 22:36 < brunobol> yeah. 22:36 < av> Susana: still around? 22:36 < Susana> yap 22:36 < av> as a note, my irssi will log the meeting and I'll post the logs on our wiki pages 22:36 < Susana> hi brunobol 22:37 < av> the agenda at: http://live.gnome.org/MembershipCommittee/Agenda 22:37 < brunobol> Olá! Susana! 22:39 < av> brunobol: as the current chairman feel free to start the meeting anytime, the items are into the wiki page (if someone wanna add more items, just do it! :) 22:39 < pedro> just wondering, is Lionel Dricot (ploum) still active? 22:39 < brunobol> First, I'd like to thank you, Andrea. Thanks to get into the team, start to organize things and propose the meeting. 22:39 < pedro> haven't seen him for a while 22:40 < av> brunobol: no problem really, I'm glad to help out and see things going great :) 22:40 < av> pedro: no, he is not active anymore 22:40 < av> together with Izabel 22:40 < av> I didnt see any post / member processed from him since ages 22:40 < brunobol> They offered help, but never get their accounts. 22:41 < av> brunobol: they never cared to ask for one :) 22:41 < av> the account was up and running since ages 22:41 < av> I checked some weeks ago 22:41 < av> but anyway I think 5 members are enough to have everything working properly 22:42 < brunobol> Anyway... it was a little lack of interest from them. 22:42 < pedro> oh well that was a big issue, for me was a pain to get the access, but they give up on that 22:42 < pedro> will update the wiki page then, because 7 members are listed there 22:42 < av> brunobol: exactly, they had no interest 22:42 < av> pedro: yes, thanks 22:42 < av> one of the items was about the active / inactive members 22:42 < av> we currently have pedro, bruno, susana, muelli and me active 22:43 < pedro> updated 22:43 < brunobol> It's good to have a member of Accounts team aboard. 22:43 < av> thanks 22:43 < pedro> Susana: you are all set with the accounts ? 22:43 < av> brunobol: ehehe :) 22:43 < av> I fixed susana's account the other day 22:43 < av> and she is ready to go now 22:43 < pedro> awesome so we're all good? 22:43 < Susana> yes 22:43 < brunobol> So... we are a real team now. 22:43 < av> yep :) 22:43 * pedro hugs you all 22:44 < brunobol> Let's start to discuss the agenda? 22:44 < pedro> sure! 22:44 < av> sure 22:44 < brunobol> The first item is: checking up membership guidelines 22:45 < av> yep, do you guys think our current policy is still fine or do we need to adjust something? 22:45 < brunobol> I always found the process to become a member a little disorganized. 22:46 < brunobol> Many times people don't give us any contact of them. 22:46 < brunobol> I think that point out one or two contacts need to be mandatory. 22:47 < brunobol> It's really hard decide anything without other's opinion. 22:47 < av> yes, +1 for me. Would be nice if we could set up a 2-3 contacts limit before accepting someone 22:48 < pedro> yup, so far it doesn't require anything it just says :"Beware that applications without contacts take relatively longer to process." 22:48 < pedro> as per http://foundation.gnome.org/membership/application.php 22:48 < av> we should start checking a member also for his work and then for his contacts 22:49 < av> so would become something like 1. you check his work around grabbing some infos from bugzilla etc 2. you see what contacts say about him / her 22:49 < pedro> but yeah for me at least being part of the gnome foundation also imply to be known be the community or at least by more than 1 person 22:49 < pedro> s/be/by 22:49 < av> yes, do you think 2-3 members would be enough? 22:50 < av> e.g as the minimum number 22:50 < brunobol> pedro, I agree. 22:50 < brunobol> At least 2, I think 22:50 < pedro> 2 might be ok 22:51 < pedro> oh well anything is better than 0, really 22:51 < av> 3 would be the best, but not everyone can have more than 2 advocates 22:51 < av> so 2 should be fine 22:51 < brunobol> Form letters must be more clear... "Request information from contacts" sometimes returns with "Bob is doing things on X company that is GNOME related". 22:52 < pedro> oh yes, i've seen some emails asking for more info with things like 22:53 < pedro> "but do you think his work is enough to be part of the gnome foundation", etc 22:53 < brunobol> We need to get from contacts a reply on this way: "Bob deserves be a Foundation member" 22:53 < pedro> most of people just say "yeah he's doing blah hacking" 22:53 < pedro> so agreed with that brunobol 22:53 < av> pedro: yep, asked that one time cause the contact didnt say anything apart "X works for the Y company, which contributes indirectly to GNOME" 22:54 < brunobol> In fact, we have to reformulate all the form letters. 22:54 < av> yep 22:54 < pedro> av: if we get that information from the beginning that'd make our work easier 22:54 < pedro> same for description of your contributions and resume of the person 22:55 < av> pedro: yep 22:55 < pedro> i've seen some, "i hack on blah" and that's it 22:55 < brunobol> pedro, yep! 22:55 < pedro> is like getting words from a little kid 22:55 < brunobol> pedro, ahahaha 22:56 < av> we should set up a form letter that asks for a small resume of the applicant, then we should ask if the advocate really thinks that the applicant deserves the foundation membership 22:56 < pedro> i'm not saying that i want a resume of 500 words of what the candidate is doing but a least more than 30 words 22:56 < pedro> av and update the requested info at the application page to ask for that resume too 22:57 < av> exactly 22:57 < av> pedro: a great example is: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/membership-committee/2010-March/msg00015.html 22:57 < av> in fact, he said nothing 22:57 < pedro> http://foundation.gnome.org/membership/application.php 22:57 < pedro> haha yeah 22:58 < pedro> so what work, for how many time, what's he doing right now, etc 22:58 < av> exactly 22:58 < brunobol> Another thing: we have so many fields on http://foundation.gnome.org/membership/application.php 22:58 < pedro> i'm not saying that the process should be harder for the candidates, more info is always welcome, specially if we need to send that information to the foundation list 22:59 < pedro> that page is pretty confused to me, too many text on that 23:00 < av> yep, we need to make it more readable 23:00 < pedro> maybe we can talk with the website/art team to help us to redesign that? 23:00 < av> yeah, I just hope it won't take months 23:00 < av> we have access to that page 23:00 < brunobol> I think we need just name, mail, nickname, git and bugzilla username (if there is), contacts and another filed to descriptions (only one) 23:00 < av> so we can modify it whenever we wants 23:01 < av> yep 23:01 < brunobol> It's really horrible! 23:02 < av> also the other comments thing is useless 23:02 < pedro> yeah terrible... 23:02 < av> someone wrote " I love ice cream " today 23:02 < av> -.- 23:02 < pedro> does anybody got any comments there? 23:02 < pedro> i haven't 23:02 < brunobol> pedro, Na.... 23:02 < Susana> +1 23:03 < av> to resume: 23:03 < av> 1. check and modify form letters 23:03 < Susana> i just don't know if we can change the contacts to be mandatory or not 23:03 < av> 2. modify the applicant.php page to make it more readable and friendly 23:03 < brunobol> Susana, I think we should do it 23:03 < Susana> can we decide that or should we propose that to the foundation/board 23:03 < av> 3. require 2 min advocates for an application 23:04 < Susana> ? 23:04 < pedro> let's ask to the board about it 23:04 < pedro> our recommendation is to have that as mandatory 23:04 < Susana> what i mean is are we allowed to make such a change? 23:04 < pedro> let's see what they think about that 23:04 < av> yes, let's mail them and see what they think 23:04 < av> if they agree, we gonna set up the change 23:05 < pedro> yup yup 23:05 < brunobol> So... lets get another point: ZERO: check with the board if MC have autonomy to change these things. 23:05 < Susana> yep, i think that's better because there might be a reason for that to be the way it is 23:05 < pedro> brunobol: good idea 23:06 < av> Susana: the reason is that in the beginning everything was organised this way 23:06 < av> so there isnt a specific reason I think 23:07 < av> but the board will let us know :) 23:07 < av> who gonna mail them? 23:07 < pedro> the good brunobol? ;-) 23:07 < brunobol> Yeah. 23:07 < brunobol> I can do that. 23:07 < pedro> super! 23:07 < av> perfect 23:08 < brunobol> I'll write the letter and show it to you first. 23:08 < brunobol> On MC-list 23:08 < av> perfect 23:08 < av> points are to resume: 23:08 < av> ZERO: check with the board if MC have autonomy to change these things. 23:08 < brunobol> If there is something to change, you can tell me. 23:08 < av> 1. check and modify form letters 23:08 < av> 2. modify the applicant.php page to make it more readable and friendly 23:09 < pedro> and hopefully all the foundation.gnome that looks awful 23:09 < av> this 3 things to be done as soon as we know what the board thinks 23:09 < pedro> compared to the design on www.gnome.org 23:09 < av> yep 23:09 < pedro> soo out of date 23:09 < pedro> cool, anything else on that agenda item? 23:09 < av> should we set up a CMS istance? 23:10 < av> or html + php? 23:10 < brunobol> av, I really don't know anything about this. 23:10 < brunobol> I think the entire code of the website is on git. 23:10 < av> yep 23:10 < pedro> not sure yet, let's see what the website/art team says to us 23:10 < av> yeah, we need their opinion first 23:11 < av> gonna mail them tomorrow 23:11 < pedro> they're doing amazing things, and we don't need a lot to be honest 23:12 < brunobol> I think it covers the third and the last items of our agenda. 23:12 < av> exactly, about the last item we need to had something on the accepted membership mail on Mango 23:13 < brunobol> 1, 3 and 6 are related. 23:13 < av> like, "it's nice if you could send an introduction to the foundation-list mailing list to introduce yourself and your work to the other Foundation members and GNOME contributors" 23:13 < pedro> about that, are we going to send the introduction our let the members theirself to do that or both? 23:13 < brunobol> Actually, Mango have a copy from Form Letters. 23:13 < av> I think members themselves should introduce them 23:13 < brunobol> av, agreed. 23:14 < av> on the list 23:14 < av> so I gonna commit the fix to the Mango branch 23:14 < av> adding something like above 23:14 < pedro> yup, and we just need to send a list of people with a small resume, right? 23:14 < av> yep 23:14 < pedro> ok roger that 23:15 < av> I think we should just mail the list announcing the new members 23:15 < av> and we CC them on the mail asking for the resume asked on the accepted mail 23:15 < pedro> ok this is one of the things it's confusing me 23:15 < pedro> do we need to do that : weekly, monthly ? 23:16 < brunobol> I think monthly is good. 23:16 < av> when we gonna reach 10 members listed here: http://live.gnome.org/MembershipCommittee/ApprovedMembers 23:16 < pedro> designate someone from the team to do that and rotate monthly? 23:16 < av> brunobol: there is a page with approved members now 23:16 < brunobol> or when we reach 10 members. 23:16 < av> so that we don't have to search the archives everytime for accepted / rejected members 23:16 < brunobol> av, I saw it. Thanks to set up it! 23:16 < av> :) 23:17 < av> when we reach 10 members we send out the announcement 23:17 < pedro> if any of both rules are meet ? ;-) 23:17 < brunobol> When MC was just me I used to keep a file "new-members.txt" on my desktop! 23:17 < av> ehehe 23:17 < pedro> we cannot have 5 members on the queue for 2 months for example 23:17 < av> right 23:18 < av> so every month we send out a resume from the MC 23:18 < pedro> or if we reach 10 approved members ;-) 23:18 < av> exactly :) 23:18 < brunobol> Good 23:18 < pedro> <3 23:18 < av> every month or 10 approved members, that's it 23:18 < av> but please don't use the form letter for that 23:18 < brunobol> That's good for me 23:19 < av> someone complained about it being the same everytime 23:19 < av> so just write 3-4 lines and then the list of the new members 23:19 < av> and then let them introduce themselves later on 23:19 < brunobol> av, Yeah... It's boring! 23:19 < av> ok, so to resume: 23:20 < av> 1. I'll commit the fix to the accepted mail in the Mango git branch 23:20 < av> 2. when we reach 10 members or montly we send out a resume of the MC together with new members 23:20 < av> 3. we wait new member's introduction as requested in the updated Mango mail at point 1. 23:21 < av> 4. everyone's happy 23:21 < av> :) 23:21 < brunobol> Cool! 23:21 < av> something like: 23:21 < brunobol> Just a question: Who's going to GUADEC this year? 23:21 < av> 23:13 < av> like, "it's nice if you could send an introduction to the foundation-list mailing list to introduce yourself and your work to the other Foundation members and GNOME contributors" 23:22 < av> not me : / 23:22 < av> busy with exams etc 23:22 < pedro> I'm going 23:22 < pedro> brunobol: are you? 23:23 < brunobol> I'm not! 23:23 < pedro> again? :O 23:23 < brunobol> Unfortunately! 23:23 < brunobol> I hate my job! 23:23 < brunobol> Some day I will work with GNOME. 23:23 < pedro> :-( 23:24 < pedro> and then you can kick your boss in the nuts ;-) 23:24 < av> lol 23:25 < brunobol> We have the things right on points 1, 3 and 6. 23:25 < brunobol> Let's move on... 23:25 < brunobol> check for active / inactive members and find one more new member (if needed) 23:25 < pedro> that's done 23:25 < pedro> i've updated the page to reflect that 23:25 < av> yep, done already 23:25 < brunobol> And I'll kick strongly! 23:25 < av> pedro fixed the wiki page 23:26 < av> so we are 5 active guys now :) 23:26 < av> up and running 23:26 < pedro> what about the elections? 23:27 < pedro> http://live.gnome.org/MembershipCommittee/ElectionsHowTo <- that is just scary 23:27 < pedro> oh one of the things i've heard at last guadec 23:27 < pedro> was that some members were not receiving the renewal notice 23:28 < pedro> we might want to have a look at the script or ping the folks at the admin team to have a look 23:28 < brunobol> I don't know anything about elections. Baris run one election and Tobias the other... 23:28 < av> renewal notice is usually sent every 2 years 23:28 < pedro> damn. I'll be back in 10 mins. afk 23:29 < av> and me too, I don't know to set up the elections since I never did that :) 23:29 < av> Susana: did you set up the elections in the past? 23:29 < brunobol> It's not very difficult, but the Wiki how to is something horrible. 23:29 < av> I heard muelli saying me you helped him to set them up 23:30 < Susana> av: i helped to set up the process, but muelli did all the work inthe elections system/backend 23:30 < brunobol> I think we need another meeting with Tobias to decide about this. 23:31 < brunobol> Once we have access to the foundation's database, everything is easy 23:32 < av> brunobol: we have access to it 23:32 < Susana> he reused the system that maemo used 23:33 < av> also the links are broken on that page 23:33 < av> but we need muelli 23:33 < brunobol> av, good... Muelli has the system working and he knows the process. 23:34 < av> yep, we need him then :) 23:34 < brunobol> We need a meet with him to write docs about the process and update ElectionsHowTo 23:35 < av> yep 23:35 < av> when there will be the next elections? 23:35 < brunobol> The new board must be presented on GUADEC 23:36 < brunobol> The timeline needs to end in June 23:36 < av> yep 23:37 < brunobol> Let's skip it and leave to another meeting? 23:38 < brunobol> May we don't really need a meet... just exchange mail... 23:38 < av> yeah 23:38 < av> just write a mail on the list 23:38 < av> and CC muelli 23:38 < av> he will explain everything 23:39 < Susana> sounds good 23:39 < brunobol> I think things will be easier now... we have an Accounts team member! 23:40 < av> yeah, at least we won't have any issue with access to databases etc 23:40 < Susana> great 23:40 < brunobol> pedro, your 10 minutes passed. 23:41 < brunobol> So... we have one more... 23:41 < brunobol> elect a new chairman 23:42 < Susana> av: there's more info on the system in this thread - http://mail.gnome.org/archives/membership-committee/2009-May/msg00040.html 23:42 < av> Susana: thanks for the link 23:43 < av> brunobol: yup, let's wait pedro 23:43 < av> for the last item 23:44 < pedro> present! 23:50 < brunobol> It was a pleasure to me hold this position along these two years. 23:51 < brunobol> I'm on MC since Oct/2007 and at chair since Mar/2008 23:52 < brunobol> Besides my lack of time (now I'm a dad), It's time to change... 23:53 < pedro> but you're not planning to leave the team right? 23:53 < brunobol> Doesn't good have the Committee all with the same person. 23:53 < brunobol> pedro, No 23:54 < pedro> nice to hear that, otherwise we can always kidnap you 23:54 < av> lol 23:54 < pedro> brunobol: do you suggest anyone from our team or want to ask widely for a volunteer ? 23:54 < pedro> widely in our team i mean :-P 23:56 < av> pedro: I think that the old chairman should suggest anyone from our team 23:56 < pedro> cool 23:58 < brunobol> I really don't want to suggest someone. 23:58 < brunobol> Is there someone who wants it? 23:58 < pedro> if you ask me i'd say muelli if he have the time to do it 23:59 < pedro> I'd love to but i've to many things on my plate at the time 00:00 < brunobol> I'd suggest Muelli, but he isn't here and I think he is some kind of away from MC 00:00 < pedro> IIRC he was on Brazil last time i hear from him 00:02 < pedro> let ask muelli then if he can't make well we ask for a volunteer or something else 00:02 < pedro> your call brunobol 00:02 < brunobol> av, I think you deserve the position, since things are more organized. 00:03 < av> would be great, I tried to give the best both here and on the accounts team to have things running well again ;) 00:03 < pedro> true true ;-) 00:04 < brunobol> av, So, do you accept it? 00:04 < av> yes, I think we can make the MC rocking again soon :) 00:04 < pedro> \o/ 00:04 < brunobol> av, Congratulations, then! 00:04 < Susana> great! 00:05 < pedro> rock on av! 00:05 < brunobol> If is there no objections, of course, pedro, Susana? 00:05 < av> thanks for trusting me :) 00:05 < brunobol> s/is there/ ther is/; 00:05 < av> I won't disappoint you guys :) 00:05 < brunobol> :-) 00:05 < Susana> brunobol: i think av has been doing great work :) 00:06 < brunobol> So... We have a new chairman! 00:06 < av> woohoo! :) 00:06 < brunobol> And now we have a real Committee! 00:09 < av> want me to send a small resume of the meeting to foundation-list or not? 00:09 < av> the logs will be posted to our wiki page 00:10 < brunobol> av, Good idea. 00:10 < brunobol> As the new chairman, you're gonna close the meeting! 00:10 < av> ok, will write a mail tomorrow or the day after with the resume + logs 00:11 < av> Meeting Finished, thanks to everyone :)