Martin Simon

Email: martiin.siimon AT google DOT com

Personal web:

I'm master degree student at Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology. My field of study is Computer Graphics and Multimedia and personally I'm really interested in computer vision, image recognition, automation image-based things and all the stuff connected with that.

Since July 2011 I'm a member of Red Hat Desktop QA team.

I'm also interested in GNOME testing, especially the automation part. See the GnomeQA wiki.

In April 2014 I was accepted as GNOME student in Google Summer of Code 2014. During summer 2014 I'll be working automated tests for gnome applications in GnomeContinuous. You can see a page of my project for more information or you can see all of GNOME GSOC'14 projects, if you are interested.


MartinSimon (last edited 2014-06-11 17:52:13 by msimon)