Gnome Page of Jann Schneider

Some things about me

I am a 25 years old, blind software developer from Wuerzburg / Germany. I am developing Java applications for the logistics sector at SSI Schaefer Noell.

Also i am developing plugins for eclipse to enhance and speedup working with java code and according stuff.

At this place i also have to mention the one who is always at my side: my wunderful guiding dog Jimmy! He is a 5 years old blond Labrador and does the best as he can in his job :-)

Eclipse Todo list

This lists purpose is that anyone who has some good ideas which accessibillity plugins for eclipse would be helpful can drop a line right here. So feel free to share your ideas with me on this page!

Quick overview ruler

The quick overview ruler shows where the currently selected field is used or even where it comes to errors in the current class and other useful things like that. Currently it is not accessible by orca. So we need a plugin to acces it to speedup working with java code.

displaying Javadoc

The javadoc of elements is displayed in a browser view part which is currently not accessible by orca. You can try a work around which may work for some cases but not foor all which i've described on the Orca / Eclipse Page.

But i would prefer to have a plugin which sends the output in an accessible way. Maybe as simple text to a new view or something like that.

JannSchneider (last edited 2008-07-24 19:19:06 by Jann Schneider)