GNOME Goal: App Menu Retirement
Application menus have been a source of usability issues since they were introduced, despite attempts to improve them. We are therefore aiming to end their use. We are also taking this opportunity to tweak a few other aspects of the affected menu items.
Guidelines and tracking for this initiative have been moved to GitLab.
Affected modules
Core GNOME modules (progress is planned to be tracked using a special label in GitLab):
- gnome-suites-core:
- gnome-control-center
- baobab
- cheese
- eog
- epiphany
- evince
- file-roller
- gedit
- gnome-boxes
- gnome-calculator
- gnome-calendar
- gnome-characters
- gnome-contacts
- gnome-disk-utility
- gnome-documents
- gnome-logs
- gnome-maps
- gnome-music
- gnome-photos
- gnome-screenshot
- gnome-software
- gnome-system-monitor
- gnome-terminal
- gnome-todo
- gnome-weather
- nautilus
- orca?
- simple-scan
- totem
- yelp
- gnome-apps:
- accerciser
- bijiben
- dconf-editor
- devhelp
- evolution
- gitg
- gnome-builder
- gnome-dictionary
- gnome-multi-writer
- gnome-nettool
- gnome-sound-recorder
- gnome-tweaks
- polari
- five-or-more
- four-in-a-row
- gnome-chess
- gnome-klotski
- gnome-mahjongg
- gnome-mines
- gnome-nibbles
- gnome-robots
- gnome-sudoku
- gnome-taquin
- gnome-tetravex
- gnome-usage
- hitori
- iagno
- lightsoff
- quadrapassel
- swell-foop
- tali
Non-core GNOME applications:
- geary
- gnote
- gnome-usage
- ...
Third party applications:
LibreOffice (bug)
- ...