GNOME Goal: Adding accessibility information to status icons
A lot of projects use status icons that lack "title" information that would allow the icons to be uniquely identified by screen readers.
For each status icon created, gtk_status_icon_set_title() is called
- The title not including status information duplicated from the tooltip
- Contains enough information to be uniquely identified outside of the context of the program itself (eg. "Sound Output Volume", not "Output", or "Volume")
Comments before approval
Status of this goal
State |
Markup |
todo |
<: #ff8080> todo |
patch |
<: #ffc849> [[GnomeBug:xxxxx|patch]] |
done |
<: #80ff80> [[GnomeBug:xxxxx|done]] |
not needed |
<: #80ff80> not needed |
Above are the states and corresponding markup to update the modules state table below.