GNOME Goal: Add keywords to application desktop files
GNOME shell search uses the Name field of desktop files to match search strings against; we also used the Description and Comment fields for this, but the results were sometimes problematic, and thus we stopped doing this. Instead, we've gotten a Keywords field added to the desktop entry specification, and use that in addition to the Name field. The field is translatable, which means that other languages can have their own set of keywords, as necessary.
The purpose of this GnomeGoal is to add suitable Keywords entries to the desktop files of GNOME applications, to yield a satisfactory search experience in GNOME shell.
A module might be affected by this goal, if it installs a desktop file in /usr/share/applications. Whether the desktop file needs to have a Keywords line added is somewhat subjective. E.g. if you type 'chat', you would expect the chat application, Empathy, to be among the search results. If it isn't, a line like
should be added to the file.
Please note:
- Translators/localizers must not localize the semicolons.
- Translators/localizers must put a semicolon at the very end of the string.
- Maintainers/developers must set a preceding underscore in "_Keywords" to inform intltool that this field should be extracted, and its translations merged back into the file.
- Maintainers/developers are asked to add inform translators via a comment in the line directly preceding the keywords line:
# TRANSLATORS: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or localize the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon!
Comments before approval
See also Debian's tracker
Status of this goal
State |
Markup |
todo |
<: #ff8080> todo |
patch |
<: #ffcc50> [[GnomeBug:xxxxx|patch]] |
done |
<: #80ff80> [[GnomeBug:xxxxx|done]] |
not needed |
<: #80ff80> not needed |
Above are the states and corresponding markup to update the modules state table below.
Tarball |
Status |
core |
at-spi2-core |
not needed |
at-spi2-atk |
not needed |
dconf |
evolution-data-server |
not needed |
glib-networking |
not needed |
gnome-bluetooth |
not needed |
gnome-online-accounts |
not needed |
gnome-control-center |
done |
gnome-desktop |
not needed |
gnome-icon-theme |
not needed |
gnome-icon-theme-extras |
not needed |
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic |
not needed |
gnome-keyring |
not needed |
gnome-menus |
not needed |
gnome-packagekit |
gnome-screensaver |
not needed |
gnome-session |
not needed |
gnome-settings-daemon |
not needed |
gnome-shell |
not needed |
gnome-themes-standard |
not needed |
gsettings-desktop-schemas |
not needed |
gvfs |
not needed |
mousetweaks |
not needed |
mutter |
not needed |
network-manager-applet |
not needed |
pulseaudio |
not needed |
telepathy-mission-control |
not needed |
core-utilities |
baobab |
brasero |
empathy |
eog |
done |
epiphany |
evince |
gnome-calculator |
gnome-contacts |
gnome-dictionary |
gnome-disk-utility |
gnome-font-viewer |
gnome-screenshot |
gnome-search-tool |
gnome-system-log |
gnome-system-monitor |
done |
gnome-terminal |
gucharmap |
nautilus |
sushi |
not needed |
yelp |
core-extras |
gnome-background |
not needed |
gnome-user-share |
vino |
gnome-user-docs |
not needed |
core-fallback |
GConf |
not needed |
gnome-panel |
not needed |
metacity |
not needed |
notification-daemon |
not needed |
core-os-services |
accountsservice |
not needed |
avahi |
not needed |
not needed |
dbus |
not needed |
gdm |
not needed |
not needed |
not needed |
polkit |
not needed |
upower |
not needed |
core-deps |
atk |
not needed |
atkmm |
not needed |
cairo |
not needed |
cairomm |
not needed |
cantarell-fonts |
not needed |
caribou |
not needed |
clutter |
not needed |
clutter-gtk |
not needed |
clutter-gst |
not needed |
cogl |
not needed |
dbus-glib |
not needed |
dbus-python |
not needed |
desktop-file-utils |
not needed |
enchant |
not needed |
expat |
not needed |
farsight2 |
not needed |
folks |
not needed |
fontconfig |
not needed |
gamin |
not needed |
gnome-js-common |
not needed |
gtksourceview |
not needed |
gdk-pixbuf |
not needed |
gjs |
not needed |
glib |
not needed |
glibmm |
not needed |
gmime |
not needed |
gnome-doc-utils |
not needed |
gnome-video-effects |
not needed |
gnutls |
not needed |
gobject-introspection |
not needed |
gst-plugins-base |
not needed |
gst-plugins-good |
not needed |
gst-plugins-farsight |
not needed |
gstreamer |
not needed |
gtk+ |
not needed |
gtk-doc |
not needed |
gtkmm |
not needed |
gudev |
not needed |
hicolor-icon-theme |
not needed |
icon-naming-utils |
not needed |
iso-codes |
not needed |
itstool |
not needed |
intltool |
not needed |
java-gnome |
not needed |
js185 |
not needed |
json-glib |
not needed |
libatasmart |
not needed |
libcanberra |
not needed |
libchamplain |
not needed |
libcroco |
not needed |
libdaemon |
not needed |
libdiscid |
not needed |
libgpg-error |
not needed |
libgcrypt |
not needed |
libgee |
not needed |
libgdata |
not needed |
libgnome-keyring |
not needed |
libgnomekbd |
not needed |
libgsf |
not needed |
libgtop |
not needed |
libgweather |
not needed |
libical |
not needed |
libmusicbrainz |
not needed |
libnice |
not needed |
libnotify |
not needed |
liboauth |
not needed |
libpeas |
not needed |
libproxy |
not needed |
librest |
not needed |
librsvg |
not needed |
libsigc++2 |
not needed |
libsndfile |
not needed |
libsoup |
not needed |
libtasn1 |
not needed |
libwnck |
not needed |
libxklavier |
not needed |
libxml2 |
not needed |
libxslt |
not needed |
mm-common |
not needed |
nspr |
not needed |
nss |
not needed |
p11-kit |
not needed |
pango |
not needed |
pangomm |
not needed |
pixman |
not needed |
polkit-gnome |
not needed |
poppler |
not needed |
py2cairo |
not needed |
pygobject |
not needed |
rarian |
not needed |
seed |
not needed |
shared-mime-info |
not needed |
sound-theme-freedesktop |
not needed |
speex |
not needed |
sqlite3 |
not needed |
startup-notification |
not needed |
telepathy-glib |
not needed |
telepathy-logger |
not needed |
telepathy-farsight |
not needed |
totem-pl-parser |
not needed |
tracker |
not needed |
vala |
not needed |
vte |
not needed |
webkit |
not needed |
yelp-tools |
not needed |
yelp-xsl |
not needed |
zenity |
not needed |
libnl |
not needed |
lcms2 |
not needed |
colord |
not needed |
apps |
accerciser |
aisleriot |
anjuta |
cheese |
devhelp |
evolution |
file-roller |
gedit |
ghex |
glade |
gnome-boxes |
gnome-clocks |
gnome-color-manager |
not needed |
gnome-power-manager |
gnome-devel-docs |
not needed |
gnome-documents |
done |
gnome-chess |
five-or-more |
four-in-a-row |
gnome-klotski |
gnome-mahjongg |
gnome-mines |
done |
gnome-nibbles |
gnome-robots |
gnome-sudoku |
gnome-tetravex |
iagno |
done |
lightsoff |
quadrapassel |
done |
swell-foop |
tali |
done |
gnome-nettool |
nautilus-sendto |
not needed |
nemiver |
orca |
rygel |
seahorse |
totem |
done |
vinagre |
not needed |