The GNOME Wikis

GNOME currently hosts three MoinMoin wikis:

How it works

Apache proxies the requests for these virtualhosts to via various independent python processes listening on local TCP ports (8000+).

In the case of content loss

If anyone notices a page or some content missing, you should:

  1. Open a terminal window on the target OSCP Project (wiki-web)
  2. cd to /srv/http/data/
  3. cd to the desired page (i.e AccountsTeam, Zeitgeist, AndreaVeri)

  4. check the current file and look for available revisions into the revisions directory. (a common issue is the current file pointing to a non-existent revision, just modify it and set the latest revision ID on it)


The latest MoinMoin release introduced several maintenance tools in regard of users / content cleanup. These maintenance tools can be executed for all the three wikis we host, just make sure to update ---config-dir and --wiki-url accordingly with either or

Users cleanup

The tool you can use to cleanup inactive users (inactive means all the users that have registered to the wiki but never did a single commit since the time they originally registered their account) is called account inactive and it's currently part of the /srv/http/moin/wiki/server/moin python script. The usage:

Create the inactive users list

./moin --config-dir=/srv/http/data/ --wiki-url= account inactive --py-append

Look who they are with a combination of Username, Email

./moin --config-dir=/srv/http/data/ --wiki-url= account inactive --py-exec --show

Remove them

./moin --config-dir=/srv/http/data/ --wiki-url= account inactive --py-exec --remove

Content cleanup

Trashed and deleted pages

The tool you can use to cleanup deleted and trashed content is called maint cleanpage and it's currently part of the /srv/http/moin/wiki/server/moin python script. The maint cleanpage call creates a bash script with a list of files / folders that will be then trashed. For doing so first execute the following command:

./moin --config-dir=/srv/http/data/ --wiki-url= maint cleanpage

Then, create two directories in your working dir called trash and deleted. After that execute the script, don't worry aboth the paths it uses, all the script is written using the absolute paths of the files / folders that will be removed so you'll just have to make sure the trashed and deleted directories are into your working directory.


Cleaning the cache is as easy as executing the following command:

./moin --config-dir=/srv/http/data/ --wiki-url= maint cleancache

Infrastructure/GnomeWikis (last edited 2023-01-18 21:11:35 by AndreaVeri)