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Mirrors maintenance

Contact Information

Owner: GNOME Sysadmin Team

Contact: #sysadmin

Persons: AndreaVeri

Machine: webapps2


Puppet module: mirrorbrain

Official documentation:


Maintenance instructions on how to properly manage the GNOME Mirrorbrain istance.


Main maintenance commands will follow.

Adding a new mirror:

sudo -u mirrorbrain mb new mirror-name --rsync rsync://rsync-url --http http://http-url

Once you've added the mirror to Mirrorbrain, make sure the main contact for the new mirror is added on the alias file located at puppet/modules/postfix/files/virtual-aliases/

Enabling a new mirror:

sudo -u mirrorbrain mb scan --enable mirror-name

Editing a new mirror with your favourite editor:

sudo -u mirrorbrain mb edit mirror-name

Note: disabling or deleting a mirror should not be needed as Mirrorbrain automatically disables offline mirrors through a cronjob that triggers an SQL query that then disables the mirror itself temporarily

Disabling a mirror:

sudo -u mirrorbrain mb disable mirror-name

Deleting a mirror:

sudo -u mirrorbrain mb delete mirror-name

2024-10-23 11:17