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/!\ This page is about upgrading Bugzilla from 2.20 to 3.4. This upgrade took place in 2009.


GNOME currently runs a pretty heavily customized version of Bugzilla 2.20.5. The oldest supported version of bugzilla is 2.22, and even that will be EOLd in the near future. Let's figure out together a good way of upgrading to a supported version -- and staying up to date once that is done.

This part of the agenda was composed by Christian Reis <>, phone number 1 612 216 4935.


A proposal

Last year Canonical contracted Max Kanat, upstream Bugzilla developer, who worked hard with Olav to describe the set of modifications implemented. We're interested in getting GNOME running a recent version for a number of reasons, one of the most important being the inter-bugtracking facilities implemented in tip. The work Max and Olav did resulted in a long list of requirements for an upgrade. As part of this work they also divided the requirements into two parts -- one essential to running an upgraded version, and one describing features that could acceptably be ported forward after the upgraded Bugzilla instance was deployed. Let's call these parts "blocking" and "non-blocking". The non-blocking items are marked as "DELAYED" in the document sent out to participants in the call.

Canonical is interested in sponsoring part of this work. Our initial proposal is to sponsor a forward-port of the blocking patches. The next steps after that, however, require some thought.

Let's consider our options and figure out who has a stake in this upgrade, and what we can do make it happen.

2024-10-23 11:17