1. Notes from Day 1
Present: Cosimo, Alex, Sri, Arc, Christian, Daniel, Avi, Cassidy, Dan, Jonathan.
We are meeting at the Endless office in SF.
1.1. Topics
We started with a kickoff meeting at 10 to select topics of interest.
- xdg-app / sandboxing
- sandstorm.io
- endless
- elementary
- GTK+
- Portrait/landscape modes (GTK+ sucks on tablets)
Aspect ratio for GtkSwitch
- Multitouch
- Entry placeholder
- Open/Save dialog design
- Builder
- Elementary app support (vala, cmake,...)
- OS Installer ?
- App stream
- gnome-software vs Elementary store
- downstream customizations to appstream data
1.2. Discussion
- We started with Alex giving some introduction to xdg-app theory, and gave the elementary guys some demos and explained things
- Endless has done an experimental build of their own runtime, and (almost) got it working in a day
- Matthias and Alex continue working on the document and content portals, with the goal to get evince to use it during the hackfest
- After lunch, we had a session about GTK+ issues, where several small issues of the endless team were quickly addressed with patches
GtkEntry placeholder text will get better styling, allowing to keep it around even when focused
GtkSwitch will get a slider-height property to allow square sliders (this is just a short-term fix until GTK+ gains support for css min-width/height)
- Various popover placement problems rendering and placement problems were discussed too
- We did not come up with a good solution for disagreements about file chooser design, and the elementary team may continue to use a GTK+ module to provide their own file chooser. There was a lot of disucssion about ways to link the design of the file chooser to the file manager thats in use, and possible out-of-process approaches. In the end, we did agree that the content portal D-Bus approach looks very promising for this.
- Later on, the sandstorm.io guys came by and we had an exchange about their approach to sandboxing, comparing cap'n proto with kdbus and gvariant.