Responsive design

Most prominent question - Does GTK want to move towards the kind of responsive design that web browsers implement? If not, what alternative do we want to offer?

  • We make a lot of custom containers for responsive design at Endless. First of all it would be good to figure out how to make these more general.
  • Examples of what we've written:
    • GtkOverflowBox

      • 1-D box, widgets that fall off the end are not shown
      • Patch from feaneron?
    • GtkBin subclass for responsive margins

      • Adds CSS classes .small, .medium, etc. depending on widget width
    • Many containers that implement something like this
      • +-------+-----+       +-----+---+
        |       |  B  |       |     | B |
        |       +-----+       |  A  +---+
        |   A   |  C  |  -->  |     | C |
        |       +-----+       +-----+---+
        |       |  D  |
    • GtkWindow subclass that adds .composite CSS class when on a composite TV out screen

  • API proposal for widget to add to GTK:

    • Merge GtkOverflowBox from Endless and GsHidingBox from Software

    • One-dimensional box with orientation property
    • Don't inherit from GtkBox (pack from one side only)

    • "Priority" child property; when there is not enough room for all widgets, the one with the lowest priority drops off
    • in the event of a priority tie, endmost widget of that priority drops off
    • The above implies that the default behaviour when priority not set is that widgets drop off the end one by one when there is no room for them
    • No provisions made for reparenting the widgets elsewhere
  • Can only use child-visible, not real show/hide
    • This is probably OK
    • Case that would be pathological with real show/hide: three buttons in a GtkOverflowBox, with this CSS:

      • button:nth-child(even):last-child {
          font-size: 100px;
  • Difficult to write widgets that are general for this purpose. Currently our custom containers only work with our custom widgets as children
    • Need to make sure to implement height-for-width and minimal/natural size correctly
  • Impossible to change things like font-size in response to window size, without degrading performance and causing second size allocate
  • @media queries
    • Spec

    • It's way more appropriate to put as much as possible into the CSS than in code
    • In web browser, the CSS cannot influence the viewport size, but in GTK it can
      • Infinite loops are a problem because of this:
        • @media(max-width: 500px) {
              window { padding-left: 550px; }
    • Device width/height/aspect-ratio should be possible and useful
      • Other ideas from Company, such as media queries for GTK minor versions
      • Would accept patch for media queries that don't touch the viewport
    • Are @media queries on the viewport even a desired feature in GTK if someone were to implement them?
      • ???
  • @media queries "lite": CSS features that would help a lot even if not all the way
    • Viewport units

    • Percentages interpreted as percentage of parent size
    • max-width
    • Would these be desired features if someone were to implement them?
      • Possibly for CSS properties that don't affect widget size, such as background-size.
      • Would be difficult to implement, because we don't have access to the widget (let alone its parents) during either the actual value computation or the rendering.

Hackfests/GTK2016/Day2/ResponsiveDesignNotes (last edited 2016-06-17 19:17:06 by PhilipChimento)