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1. Developer Docs

Notes from conversations about developer documentation at the 2014 winter docs hackfest.

1.1. Current Situation

Existing issues with our developer docs and website:

1.2. Requirements & Goals

A GNOME developer website needs to do the following things:

1.2.1. Possible Non-goals

1.3. A Tentative Design

One possible approach would be to create a new site with the following components:

  1. A simple home page, possibly made with plain HTML (eg.
    • This would provide details about the various resources and link to other parts of the site, each built with existing technologies.
  2. Getting started tutorials - stored in Git and put online using library-web (eg.
    • This would incorporate the GTK+ Getting Started tutorial.
    • Other possible tutorials: setting up a development environment, overview of GNOME developer tools (DevHelp, Glade, Git, etc).

  3. HowDoI tutorials, hosted on a wiki instance (eg.
    • The wiki would be a place for developers to write short, focused tutorials.
    • Existing content from the developer docs could be moved to this space.
  4. API Reference, generated using library-web (eg.
  5. Human Interface Guidelines, stored in Git and put online using library-web (eg.

This is a hybrid approach, and would lack some integrated features like search. However, it would be feasible and could be used as a way to generate content for a more integrated site. Hopefully it would be possible to leverage existing MoinMoin infrastructure.


Possible issues/questions:

1.4. Comments / Questions

2024-10-23 11:10