1. Desktop Remoting with Wayland and Pipewire
Desktop remoting is important for many cloud-based use cases and workloads. Many of todays remoting solutions are still based on X11. The goal of this hackfest is to identify remaining obstacles for building desktop remoting solution on Wayland and pipewire, and work on solutions for overcoming those obstacles.
1.1. Topics
This final list of topics will need to be decided when we know who is attending and what their interests are.
This list is just meant as a starting point:
- Remote login and how to integrate with gdm
- Interfacing with pipewire
- Camera redirection
- Audio input
- Audio output
- Relevant Wayland protocols
- DMA-Buf support
- Monitor support
- scaling
- orientation
- multi-monitor
- Remoting-protocol specific issues (rdp, vnc, ...)
- Other channels (besides audio, video)
Please add more here.
1.2. Relevant components
Components that are involved in this (for the parts that are supported by GNOME):
- gdm
- mutter
- pipewire
- freerdp
- gnome-remote-desktop
1.3. Links
Relevant work for remote login is happening here:
1.4. Possible attendees
- Jonas Adahl (mutter, gnome-remote-desktop)
- Sebastian Wick (same)
- Pascal Nowack (gnome-remote-desktop, freerdp)
- Wim Taymans (pipewire)
- Ray Strode (gdm)
- Christian Hergert (libmks, worked on remoting before)
- Paolo Borelli (Nice DCV)
- Somebody from HP ?
- KDE folks ?
1.5. Possible time and location
Fall / Winter in Brno, Czech Republic