1. Chicago GNOME Hackfest Series
The Chicago GNOME community is hosting monthly GNOME hackfests in 2012-2013. The purpose of the hackfest series is to encourage and support established developers and newcomers to the GNOME community; to provide a space to work on individual contributions to GNOME; to facilitate exchange of information through monthly talks; and to have fun hacking.
Events are being held monthly at Pumping Station: One, the local hackerspace in Chicago.The address is 3519 N. Elston, Chicago, IL 60618.
1.1. Resources:
If this is your first time attending an event, or would like to learn more about hacking, please look at the following resources:
If you have questions, you can ask at the hackfest or on #chiglug on freenode. For gnome questions, you can ask on the #gnome-love IRC channel.
1.2. Organizers:
- Chris Webber
1.3. Contact and Event Information:
- chicagolinux-discuss AT googlegroups DOT com
1.4. Upcoming Events: