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Here is a summary of the impressive accomplishments of women who worked on GNOME as interns from May to August 2011. Thanks to them and to their mentors for making it such a successful round!

We had 8 Outreach Program for Women interns.

Aline Duarte Bessa wrote new topic-based help for Accerciser, an interactive tool that allows GNOME applications to check what accessibility information they are providing. She wrote documentation for the Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface (AT-SPI), which is used to provide a description of an application to accessibility tools. She examined the entire Accerciser bug list, provided feedback on all the bugs, and created patches for many of them. She also wrote a demo widget that explored accessibility issues. (1, 2, 3, 4)

Meg Ford created 81 new icons and edited 241 existing icons. Along with the Symbolic theme icons, they complete the High Contrast and High Contrast inverse themes for GNOME. (1, 2)

Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote new topic-based help for the Vinagre remote desktop viewer and Brasero CD/DVD burner. She also was one of the key organizers of the Desktop Summit in Berlin. (1, 2, 3)

Julita Inca wrote new topic-based help for the Cheese webcam application and some general desktop help. (1, 2)

Priscilla Mahlangu committed Zulu translations for 11 GNOME modules and has translations for additional 17 modules in progress. (1, 2)

Anita Reitere created guidelines and compiled resources for writing better help and for starting to contribute to GNOME documentation. She also wrote a detailed analysis of Empathy help. (1, 2, 3)

Kelly Sinnott wrote new topic-based help for GNOME System Monitor and some general desktop help. She identified the need to provide GNOME help on mobile devices and created a prototype website. (1, 2, 3, 4)

Liansu Yu created a comprehensive GNOME Visual Identity portfolio, including a lot of original art work, posters, brochures, presentation and web page templates. (1, 2, 3)

We also had 7 Google Summer of Code interns, who were encouraged and supported by the Outreach Program for Women.

Tiffany Antopolski wrote a contact chooser for collaborative viewing of documents in Evince. She also wrote some general desktop help. (1, 2)

Tamara Atanasoska improved the Anjuta IDE integration with version control system operations and implemented opening an included file by clicking on the include statement. (1, 2)

Neha Doijode implemented correctly removing message sources from the message tray and showing images in notifications in GNOME Shell. (1)

Nohemi Fernandez implemented a full-featured on-screen keyboard for GNOME Shell. (1)

Raluca Elena Podiuc added the ability to create an avatar in Empathy with a webcam or to select an avatar from standard or previously used avatars. She also added support for video effects when using video chat in Empathy. (1, 2, 3, 4)

Srishti Sethi created 6 activities for children to discover Braille for the GCompris educational software. (1)

Madhumitha Viswanathan added Google Calendar, Google Tasks and Tracks backends to the Getting Things GNOME! task management software. (1)

In addition to their contributions, many of the interns participated in GNOME events. Julita, Kelly, and Tiffany attended the Open Help conference and GNOME Documentation hackfest in Cincinnati. Ekaterina, Julita, Anita, Tiffany, Tamara, Raluca, Srishti, and Madhumitha attended the Desktop Summit in Berlin. Meg, Tiffany, and Nohemi attended the Montreal Summit.

2024-10-23 11:10