This page contains information specific to GNOME's participation in the Outreach Program for Women internships from June 17 to September 23, 2013.
Seven participants did internships with GNOME during this round. The internships were generously sponsored by the GNOME Foundation, Free Software Foundation, Red Hat, Google, and Bloomberg.
Only non-coding project ideas are listed here. To avoid duplicating the ideas listing, all coding ideas are listed among GNOME's Google Summer of Code project ideas and you are welcome to apply to work on any of them through the Outreach Program for Women. GNOME's page for the program explains how you can choose a project.
1. Project Ideas
Mentors, learn more about being a mentor for the program and add your non-coding project ideas and a link to your contact information here:
[No longer taking applicants] GNOME Event website manager (mentor: AndreasNilsson and FabianaSimoes)
Benefits: Setting up a website for a new event is currently a lot of work. We would need a system to easily set up new GNOME conference websites, including call for speakers, registration, schedule, etc. This project would include the content administration area and, also, the coding of a default theme for the conference websites.
Requirements: Knowledge of PHP, HTML and CSS. Previous knowledge of WordPress is a plus, but not required.
[No longer taking applicants] Responsive design for (mentor: AndreasNilsson and FabianaSimoes)
Benefits: The main gnome website does not work very well on mobile devices currently. The GNOME Grass WordPress theme needs to be updated from the static 960 grid to a responsive design. This is also a great opportunity to restructure and clean up the stylesheets and templates used for the website.
Requirements: Knowledge of PHP, HTML and CSS. Previous knowledge of WordPress is a plus, but not required.
Note: includes information on possible improvements to GNOME Grass
Documentation (mentor: Ekaterina Gerasimova (kittykat) previous intern: Sindhu S (ingu) for help related to setting up and using tools)
Benefits: make GNOME more accessible to users
Requirements: ability to work with XML, basic git experience
Note: have a look at the application help status list and bugs that are assigned to the documentation team for ideas.
Please use this format:
idea title (mentor: MentorName linking to you personal info page)
Benefits: describe the benefits of your idea
Requirements: what should the participant know already?