This page is for discussing things common to regional subsites of GNOME.

The flag as a symbol for a language

Generally no good idea:

short: navbar

We could come up with one logo for all regional sites that maybe should always sit on the same place - or maybe it has some sentence on it like

"official regional site of the GNOME project" or something like that, so that people now:

  1. this is an organisation that is officially affiliated to GNOME foundation
  2. if thex click the link they either get to or to a special page (in the language of the refering page?)

Suggestion: regional webring

Not a classic,ugly one but sometimes we like to have some kind of link to our neighbours.

  • Why?
    • Because maybe we like to visit a GNOME meeting that is just kilometers away but in another country on another site.
  • Things to think about:
    • GNOME is international, so it would always be nice if thereis some text in other languages, at least i english of this is an event where international guests are welcome
  • How to solve
    • We could use region maps and maybe some lists to define the nearness of a location.

Regional Contacts

Add your name and your country, but please only if you are really willing to do it!



Status of local GNOME activities



Events planned


Sri Lanka

Events planned/spread Gnome


GnomeWeb/RegionalSites (last edited 2011-04-04 16:22:44 by Sureshkumar Packiyarajah)