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Let's work on concepts and writing. The starting points are the GNOME Foundation charter, what currently wgo says, some work done by Claus last year and some emailstorming with Dave, Murray, Luis and Havoc.

1. What is GNOME

We want to update/evolve the definitions of and to reflect better what is currently GNOME.

1.1. Concepts

1.2. Writing

Comment and improve.

1.2.1. Latest proposal

GNOME is a broad community working on free software for everybody, making computers friendly, useful and fun. We provide a desktop easy to use, a cool set of integrated programs and tools to develop and contribute software. GNOME is available in dozens of languages and is compatible with multiple operating systems. You can find it across the World in homes, schools, offices... and also embedded in industrial or mobile devices. The coordination of the project relies in the GNOME Foundation, an open organization formed by volunteers, professionals and companies.

If you try GNOME you will love it. If you love GNOME come and join us.


2. Why use GNOME

Move here Claus' text (the Why GNOME HTML at the bottom)

2.1. General reasons

2.2. For hobbyists

2.3. For public sector

2.4. For independent software developers

3. Why join GNOME

2024-10-23 11:10