1. Setting up a local Cgit environment
This tutorial will guide you through the steps for setting up a local installation of Cgit. The requirements:
- Apache on Ubuntu / Debian (httpd on RHEL / Fedora / CentOS)
Cgit, cloneable at http://git.zx2c4.com/cgit or installable directly from your distribution package manager. Instructions for that are down here.
- Some example Git repositories
The steps:
Install apache with either yum install httpd or apt-get install apache2
Download the CSS files for git.gnome.org from cgit-css-gnome.tar.gz.
Configure a VirtualHost at either /etc/httpd/sites.d/my-vhost.conf or /etc/apache2/sites-available/my-vhost-conf. (make sure to set up a symlink if you are on Debian / Ubuntu from /etc/apache2/sites-available/my-vhost.conf to /etc/apache2/sites-available/my-vhost.conf
Install Cgit with yum install cgit or apt-get install cgit.
Configure the relevant configuration file at /etc/cgitrc. An example:
- Restart Apache / HTTPD to grab the latest changes.
Get yourself into http://localhost/git
Examples files:
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName git.gnome.org CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_log combined env=!dontlog ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log <Directory /srv/http/cgit> Options +ExecCGI </Directory> Alias /browse/cgit.css /srv/http/cgit/cgit.css Alias /browse/cgit.png /srv/http/cgit/cgit.png Alias /browse/applications-development.png /srv/http/cgit/applications-development.png Alias /browse/cgit-gnome.css /srv/http/cgit/cgit-gnome.css Alias /browse/gnome-style.css /srv/http/cgit/gnome-style.css Alias /browse/gnome-layout.css /srv/http/cgit/gnome-layout.css Alias /browse /srv/http/cgit/cgit.cgi </VirtualHost>
# GNOME customization css=/browse/cgit-gnome.css # No logo, GNOME header is already logified logo= # Has GNOME header and footer header=/srv/http/cgit/gnome.header footer=/srv/http/cgit/gnome.footer favicon=http://www-old.gnome.org/img/logo/foot-16.png commit-filter=/usr/local/bin/cgit-commit-links.sh source-filter=/usr/local/bin/cgit-syntax-highlighting.sh # Looks funny if we don't have something here, maybe could be improved root-title=All Projects # Looks fine without a description though root-desc= clone-prefix=git://git.gnome.org http://git.gnome.org/browse ssh://USERNAME@git.gnome.org/git # Put all the modules on the first page of the project listing without pagination max-repo-count=655 # List the number of files and lines changed in the log enable-log-filecount=1 enable-log-linecount=1 # Allow download of tar.gz, tar.bz2 and zip-files snapshots=tar.gz zip mimetype.html=text/html mimetype.jpg=image/jpeg mimetype.jpeg=image/jpeg mimetype.pdf=application/pdf mimetype.png=image/png mimetype.svg=image/svg+xml mimetype.ogv=video/ogg #cache-size=1000 # All these cache settings influence the Expires header! cache-dynamic-ttl=60 cache-static-ttl=44640 cache-root-ttl=6 # Also used for the 'plain' / blob interface. cache-repo-ttl=120