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1. Foundation Pages

This is draft content for the GNOME Foundation pages on

1.1. The GNOME Foundation

The GNOME Foundation is an non-profit organization that furthers the goals of the GNOME Project, helping it to create a free software computing platform that is elegant, efficient, and easy to use.

The GNOME Foundation is made up of the contributors who work on the GNOME Project and who make up its community. Through the Foundation, they are able to have a say in how the project works and can vote in the election of the Foundation's Board of Directors. Like its members, the Foundation's elected directors are also contributing members of the GNOME community.

1.2. How it works

GNOME's many contributors work on fixing bugs, writing documentation, helping users, creating artwork, and the many other things that go into our software and our project. The GNOME Foundation is the official organization of this community.It organizes events, carries out fundraising activities, provides travel assistance and develops GNOME's infrastructure, and performs many other important and essential functions. The Foundation also steers releases and determines which software is officially part of the project, though it delegates most of its authority to specialized teams.

The GNOME Foundation also exists to ensure the independence and openness of the GNOME Project. As a democratically elected non-profit, it is the highest authority in the GNOME Project. Being GNOME's legal body, the Foundation holds and guards the project's intellectual property.

Read the GNOME Foundation Charter

Become a Foundation Member

1.2.1. Board of Directors

The GNOME Foundation is run by its Board of Directors, which is elected annually by the Foundation's members. The board manages the GNOME Foundation and its various activities.

The meetings of the Board of Directors are posted publicly on the foundation-list mailing list and the minutes of these meetings are recorded on the GNOME wiki.

... (reproduce existing page below this point)

1.3. Notes and Comments

TODO - add something about the Advisory Board

2024-10-23 11:10