Everything potential or actual contributors to http://gnome.jardigrec.eu wanted to know and dared to ask.
1. Where to start
Subscribe to http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-web-list if you are not already there. You can get started as contributor there.
Read over the editing guidelines.
- If you want to write/edit English texts you need to request editing permissions in gnome-web-list. Murray, Ramon and Quim are the ones that can get you there.
If you want to translate you have to wait until the translation system is in place and the English version is consolidated. The work will be done through the GNOME translation teams, so you have to get coordinated with your preferred language team. See http://l10n.gnome.org/
- If you want to contribute illustrations, banners, pictures and other graphic elements you can either become an editor or get in touch with the editors through the mailing list.
If you want to work on the layout, create a LaFarga account at https://lafarga.cpl.upc.edu/projects/wgo/ (update: Creating LaFarga accounts online has been disabled for now- ask on-list instead), and request to join the wgo project. For SVN write access,
svn co svn+ssh://username@svn.lafarga.cpl.upc.edu/dades/svn/wgo
For read-only anonymous access,
svn co --username anonymous --password anonymous https://svn.lafarga.cpl.upc.edu/dades/svn/wgo
Note: The GNOME template may be moved to GNOME SVN in the future.- Plone experts can share ideas and improvements in gnome-web-list.
- Any other contributions should start in gnome-web-list as well.
2. Where can I track the last changes
3. How are bugs and feature requests handled
We use GNOME bugzilla to handle bugs and feature requests relating to www.gnome.org. We encourage users to provide their feedback through this channel and we try to assign all bugs to the right contributor in our team.
Therefore contributors must have their own bugzilla account: register
Tracking and managing your own bugs is plain easy: check your bugs. Remember that you have to log in first.
4. Editors
4.1. Editing a page
Go to https://edit.gnome.jardigrec.eu/login_form and introduce your login & password.
- Then click on the primary navigation tabs and find the page you want to edit.
- Once you are in the page click the tab "Edit".
If you don't see it you probably need wider permissions.
4.2. Editing the homepage
Title and meta content:
TITLE: "Title" field at https://edit.gnome.jardigrec.eu/en/index_html/edit
META CONTENT / DESCRIPTION: "Description" field at https://edit.gnome.jardigrec.eu/en/index_html/edit
Existing splash images are managed via https://edit.gnome.jardigrec.eu/en/index_html/folder_contents
To upload a new splash go to https://edit.gnome.jardigrec.eu/en/index_html/folder_factories . Click "Add splash". Upload the image via "little tree icon" --> current folder --> upload. Link the image using "chain icon" if it's an internal link or "globe icon" for any link out of wgo. Save changes and once you are happy click "State" > "Published". Important: the size of the splash image must be FIXME.
- NEWS and PLANET are syndicated, there is currently no way to edit the entries in the home.
Right column:
GNOME Block is edited in full HTML at "Slogan" in https://edit.gnome.jardigrec.eu/en/index_html/edit
Existing banners are managed via https://edit.gnome.jardigrec.eu/en/index_html/folder_contents
To upload a new banner go to https://edit.gnome.jardigrec.eu/en/index_html/folder_factories . Click "Add banner". Upload the image via "little tree icon" --> current folder --> upload. Link the image using "chain icon" if it's an internal link or "globe icon" for any link out of wgo. Save changes and once you are happy click "State" > "Published". Important: the size of the banner image must be FIXME.
GET INVOLVED is edited in full HTML at "Involved" in https://edit.gnome.jardigrec.eu/en/index_html/edit
FEATURED PRODUCT: GNOME Products are not ready yet but the day we will have them they can be presented to the home through the dropdown menu "Pscprojects" at https://edit.gnome.jardigrec.eu/en/index_html/edit
- EVENTS will be syndicated from news.gnome.org once they exist there.
Footer: Edited directly in HTML at https://edit.gnome.jardigrec.eu/portal_skins/custom/footer/pt_editForm
4.3. Editing the navigation bars
The General GNOME bar at the top: https://edit.gnome.jardigrec.eu/portal_actions/manage_editActionsForm as manager
The wgo primary navigation bar: FIXME
The secondary bar of a section in the right column: FIXME