The Gnome Cookbook Project


Welcome to the Gnome Cookbook Project wiki page. The Gnome Cookbook project was announced at GUADEC2007 by John (J5) Palmieri. The project's goal is to put out a cookbook consisting of code, I mean recipes, used and developed by the GNOME community. It embodies the same spirit which brings together volunteers from around the world to create the GNOME desktop environment.

This wiki page is a scratch pad for what will eventually become the book. Please add your ideas to the appropriate section bellow.


Cooks in the Kitchen (put your name, e-mail and hackergochi here)

John (J5) Palmieri

<johnp at>

Adam (sadam) Schreiber

<sadam at clemson dot edu>

Sriram (sri) Ramkrishna

<sriram.ramkrishna at>

Gawain Lynch

<gawain.lynch at>


<diegoe on-the>

Canadian Wine Guy

<cwg at>

Nathan Holstein

<ngh at>

Andreas Nilsson

<andreas at>

Steven Walter

<stevenrwalter at>


<jdub at>


<marco at>


<malmostoso at gmail dot com>

JulienPuydt (Snark)

<jpuydt at gnome org>


<silvia.gnome at>


Koen Kooi



<behdad at>

Brandon Perry

<brandon at>

Joseph Pingenot


Eitan Isaacson

<eitan at>


<federico at gnome dot org>


<alexandre.cavedon at>


<thomas at apestaart dot org>


<gnome at nermal dot org>

Dean Thorne

<dean dot leu at gmail dot com>

Will Guaraldi

<will dot guaraldi at gmail dot com>


<hadess hadess net>

Working Titles

Design Ideas


Cover Design

Obviously, it should be one of the recipes but laid out such that it forms the GNOME foot.

  • How about something like this (16MB TIFF version)? I'm no artist (it took me hours to scratch that out), but I was thinking that something simple and low key might be a good idea. --Mace Moneta

    • I Like the idea. The art is great (I really want someone to paint this for me so I can frame it) but we are looking for more of a whole design that incorporates the title. Right now I can't see where text would go without looking too busy. Also keep in mind the page layouts we have received are very bright and the cover art should somehow mesh with these (J5).
      • What do you mean by "a whole design that incorporates the title"? That sounds like something the translators won't like at all... -- Julien Puydt
      • I mean what does the cover look like from top to bottom. This includes any art, photos and text layout. -- J5
    • I was thinking the title would be outside the cover art, like this. -- Mace Moneta

      • So that is what I'am asking for, a complete layout of the cover. -- J5

Page Layouts


Stamps are little graphics placed next to each recipe for quick categorization reference. For instance a v in a box could indicate vegetarian or a heart could mean heart healthy (or a favorite?).


This may be useful: considerations

We are planning to publish off of There are certain considerations we need to take into account such as the need for 300dpi images. It would be nice if someone could research the options and report back the best publishing options we have along with cost per page.

Note that ElliotLee works at (at least last time I heard from him) -- DiegoEscalanteUrrelo




Drinks (soft)

Drinks (alcoholic)



Random discussion

Food TV as porn - as true as ever.

Gourmet Recipe Manager

As the author of Gourmet Recipe Manager, a recipe program for the GNOME environment, I'd love to get these recipes into the Gourmet format as another way of distributing the cookbook and as a way of letting GNOME folks know about the project. Gourmet can also automatically produce a number of formats of output once we have the recipes input into it -- probably nothing good enough for publishing, but perhaps some useful things nonetheless. TomHinkle

Gourmet needs some love, someone said Andreas? -- DiegoEscalanteUrrelo

Another idea -- users have sometimes requested that Gourmet come with some recipes to start. Would the GNOME Recipe collection be GPL-able? If so, I could distribute the recipes with Gourmet so that when users first open the app they don't get a blank screen. --Tom

I was wrong about GPL and CC BY-SA. As long as we don't use it for software documentation it is fine to use for anything else. Feel free to have Gourmet take from this recipe set. However what I would really like to see is Gourmet distribute the recipes as published. In other words many people search by cookbook for recipes. What if Gourmet eventually was able to show book cover much like how the iPhone shows album covers. It would be awesome to be able to take a PDF version of a recipe using poppler, parse out the recipe for indexing but give the option of seeing the recipe in it's full PDF glory. I would buy a bunch of PDF cookbooks from Lulu if it could do this.

  • Cool -- then I may start packaging up recipes in gourmet format for another channel of distribution. As to the other suggestions, I think there are two ideas there.
    1. Show a cover of the cookbook from which a recipe came from. This is easy -- Gourmet already records the source of a recipe (i.e. the cookbook). This would just be a question of adding an image to go with it. As with all of these kinds of feature requests, the problem is adding more clutter to the interface (now we need an interface not just for typing in the source, but for adding the image of the source). This also raises the question of yet another possible "field" -- adding the author separately from the "source".
    2. Store a complete PDF for each recipe (i.e. "in all its pdf glory"). This one seems a little less reasonable to me since consistency is useful to users -- i.e. they would rather see a consistent (but good) layout than different layouts for each recipe. That said, Gourmet does store links for recipes that came from the web. Usually these are used to point people back to the webpage original, but there's no reason they couldn't point to the PDF original.
    • I've gone ahead and attached an initial sample Gourmet XML file with several of the linked-to recipes imported. From that source file, a number of other types of files can be generated and nutritional info can be calculated. Eventually, I'd like to distribute a file with all the GNOME Recipes with Gourmet if possible. -Tom


How are we going to properly i18n the size units? Non-metric units mean nothing to me. --ReinoutVanSchouwen

We should provide a number of conversion charts and perhaps have two versions of the book for the pdf form. In any case we at least need to be consistent.

Conversion charts are not ideal because having to look up some unit conversion while cooking distracts from the main flow of the recipe and can lead to cooking disasters. Also, preparing a shopping list is rather cumbersome when one has to add the 8 tablespoons of something used in a recipe with the half-cup used in the other recipe and the 3 ounces used in yet another recipe (that's a bit less than 300 milliliters in case you were wondering). And don't forget that a cup in Australia may be different from a cup in the US, and teaspoons or tablespoons in the UK are about 1.2 times larger than in the US. Proper internationalization is important and should at least be available for pdf or online versions of the book. Personally, I would be more interested in a metric version. --RaphaelQuinet

We can also use "measures", for example if you have to put 2 cups of water and 1 cup of milk, then you just say: 1 measure of milk, 2 measures of water. Another option is tobe graphical and establish some kind of glossary of terms with pictures, like "We call this a cup: <img of a cup>". --DiegoEscalanteUrrelo

I think it makes sense to keep recipes in their native formats, and perhaps always provide parenthetical translations to metric. Recipes are written with a measuring system in mind -- when an American recipe calls for a "cup" or a "scant cup" or a "heaping tablespoon", it means something quite specific -- it's not just an amount, but a way of measuring. The amounts have been tailored to the system to make it easy on the cook. To translate exactly from one system to another is to lose all of the convenience built into the recipe. So I'd say, keep the recipes as they come as the main format, and if they're not in metric, include a conversion. i.e. 1 scant cup flour (~140 mg). --TomHinkle

Non-metric units mean nothing to me too, probably we should use put US and metric measures, for instance "3/4 cup (150 g) sugar". For my recipes I'm going to use this conversion table. --MarcoBarisione

Volume-to-mass measure conversions (and vice-versa) are extremely difficult. For example, 1 cup of flour can vary widely in mass depending on whether you simply scoop it out (packed), or spoon it into the measuring cup ( --WilliamPage

I can see at least three kinds of measurements when cooking :

  • none -- generally things like salt, pepper, basil are left at each cook's taste -- leave as is ;
  • approximate -- a cup, a teaspoon, a pinch -- leave as is ;
  • precise -- 100g of flour, 50ml of milk -- use international units.

-- JulienPuydt

Except in the US, cups and teaspoons and table spoons are exact. Most cooks don't have a balance to mass out their dry ingredients or metric measuring cups for liquid ingredients and instead use the same volumetric measuring cups for both. -- AdamSchreiber

What is an exact cup? I have three sizes here. Same for the spoons. (thanks for the approximative->approximate correction, btw) -- JulienPuydt

From wikipedia:

  • teaspoon = 1/6 U.S. fluid ounce (about 4.929 mL)
  • teaspoon = 1/6 Imperial fluid ounce (about 4.736 mL)
  • teaspoon = 5 mL (metric)
  • tablespoon = ½ U.S. fluid ounce or 3 teaspoons (about 14.79 mL)
  • tablespoon = ½ Imperial fluid ounce or 3 teaspoons (about 14.21 mL)
  • tablespoon = 15 mL or 3 teaspoons (metric)
  • tablespoon = 5 fluidrams (about 17.76 mL) (British)
  • cup = 8 U.S. fluid ounces or ½ U.S. liquid pint (about 237 mL)
  • cup = 8 Imperial fluid ounces or ½ fluid pint (about 227 mL)
  • cup = 250 mL (metric)

I can see your confusion. You're correct in that most recipes the figures are approximate. The notable exception is baking. Perhaps as stated before the recipes should be kept in their native units, annotated with which system they come from and provide a metric conversion. For instance:

  • 1 cup US All purpose flour (100g)

I do have a balance in my kitchen so maybe it's time to learn to cook metric? That being said all of my recipes are in US English units and don't come out of my head in metric. :P --AdamSchreiber

GnomeCookbook (last edited 2015-02-07 19:27:56 by ChPe)