- Now talking on #asia-summit
<oliverp> hi emily
<emily> hi oliverp
<BinLi> hi, everyone
<oliverp> emily: did read the mail from Linux foundation?
<oliverp> *you 1.<emily> yes, thanks for this good idea
<emily> we are looking forward to working with Linux Foundation
<oliverp> thats, great maybe you can talk more to her later
* sammyfung (~sfung@123203226050.ctinets.com) has joined #asia-summit
<emily> I can write back
<emily> maybe a good try is that we attend LinuxCon in Japan before we co-host
<emily> this is the best way to understand how the organizing works
<emily> if 2015 is too close, we are thinking about 2016
<emily> anyway, I think it is a good idea
<oliverp> hm that is true.
<oliverp> maybe we can mention this
<emily> It seems Max is not attending tonite
<oliverp> no
<emily> who is volunteer to take minute , tonite ?
<emily> if no volunteers, then I will take minutes
<emily> =================
<oliverp> emily:thanks
<emily> 1. update from local team
<emily> emily is working on the final budget report, we are almost cover all the expense by sponsorship
<emily> the balance is about 5K, we are going to return to GNOME foundation
<emily> for the final expense report, we are still waiting for confirmation from Fedora. We pay most of the expense for Fedora before, now we are waiting for the refund from Fedora, then we will refund to GNOME foundation
<emily> 2. The survey is done, I think everyone is review the survey
<oliverp> emily: indeed
<emily> Emily's AI to send out the survey this week
<oliverp> emily: great
<emily> 3. Emily is calling for Chinese sponsor for GUADEC
<oliverp> emily: great
<emily> Seafile, CSDN are interested to be the bronze sponsor, I am talking to guadec team about the benifit for Chinese sponsor
<emily> since Chinese sponsor won't abale to attend GUADEC
<emily> 4. Bin Li has the data of the conference,
<oliverp> I can say something about this
<emily> please
<oliverp> is there anyone from Asia/China who will attend GUADEC?
<emily> yes
<emily> tonghui, BinLi, Me, Video team (students), Aron Xu etc
<oliverp> ok thats great
<oliverp> then they can report about the confrance in Chinsee
<emily> you mean report GUADEC in Chinese media ?
<oliverp> at least in soical media/personal channels
<emily> I am sure there will be . Because CSDN is one of the biggest media in China
<oliverp> ok, cool
<emily> If CSDN is the sponsor, that is easy to do
<emily> shall I continue ?
<oliverp> yes please
<emily> BinLi: do you want to share the data of the conference ?
<emily> BTW, we have donation and sell tickets during the Summit
<emily> The income is about 300 USD, after splite with Fedora
<tonghuix-mob> In my opinion, CSDN is NO ANY INTEREST on GUADEC !
<emily> The Beijing GNOME Users Group suggest we can use the the fund to printing some stickers for local community
<oliverp> emily: thats is a great idea
<emily> tonghuix-mob: CSDN is talking with about the process, since it is just 800 USD, they will combined it with GNOME.Asia fapiao
<tonghuix-mob> They can not be a media partner
<emily> CSDN is going to be a bronze sponsor
<tonghuix-mob> sponsor is OK
<emily> does everyone agree to use the donation to print sticker for local community ?
<tonghuix-mob> but they said will sponsor COSCUP in same reason. but not any a coin to COSCUP now
<tonghuix-mob> agree
<emily> different case
<emily> haggen, sammyfung, BinLi ?
<haggen> how much donation is there?
<emily> 300 USD
<emily> After 50: 50 splite with Fedora
<muelli> oh, I didn't realise that the meeting started. sorry
<emily> muelli: the total balance is about 5k, after confirmed with Fedora, we will wire back 5K to GNOME Foundation
<muelli> emily: yeah, I read over the backlog. That's cool!
<muelli> emily: I'm wondering: Is it easier if you reimburse some people?
<muelli> I think sammyfung gets reimbursed. Is it easy for you to transfer the money?
<emily> muelli: reimburse people in China or all the people in the list ?
<sammyfung> ?
<sammyfung> I got my reimburse
<muelli> ah, you did.
<muelli> emily: Chinese and around. Not European, as I guess that's harder for you to do.
<emily> muelli: sammyfung is reimbursed by the standar travel process, Zana transfer money to Sammyfung
<emily> muelli, there is only one Chinese apply for the reimbursmemt
<emily> muelli, since most members are located in Beijing
<muelli> ah, I see. Okay. I should have looked at the list myself. I was just thinking whether we can save some money. Because wiring it around the world is a bit costly.
<sammyfung> or should we setup a cash account in Beijing ? is that GNOME Foundation order sth. in China (Mouse Pad?) ? muelli
<emily> muelli, I am calling for sponsor for GUADEC during Chinese sponsor, I am wire the fund anyway
<muelli> sammyfung: I don't know. We should talk about it with emily, maybe after this meeting.
<muelli> yeah, that's cool emily. Thanks.
<sammyfung> and emily will travel GUADEC
<oliverp> I will not attend GUADEC
<emily> The Chinese company need Fapiao, they can give me the sponsorship, then I can combined with balance of GNOME.Asia, wire to GNOME Foundation together
<sammyfung> and emily will travel GUADEC ? so Emily should keep the cash first for reimbursment
<BinLi> emily: agree with the sticker
<haggen> agree with the sticker as well
<emily> another idea is to use the GNOME.Asia balance to reimburse with GUADEC attendees from China
<BinLi> emily: it's a good idea
<BinLi> for GUADEC attendees
<emily> Like Tonghui, BinLi, Me, we have approved with a mount of sponsorship to attending GUADEC
<sammyfung> yes, I am talking to use it to reimburse GUADEC attendees from China, or for ordering sth for foundation (if any).
<emily> muelli, how do you think ?
<sammyfung> doesn't need transfer in and out again.
<emily> the transfer fee is about 3%
<muelli> emily: I think that you should compile a final budget and send it to the committee-list and to the board. Then we will see how to proceed.
<muelli> right now, I think it makes sense to keep some money, like for reimbursing your travel or for ordering some things. But we probably need to discuss it first.
<emily> I will write a detail report and send to board to discuss
<muelli> that's great. You are doing so much valuable work. Thanks!
<emily> hopefully I can send the budget report by this week, just need confirm with Fedora team
<emily> shall we carry one to next topic ?
<oliverp> yes please
<emily> 5, the next important todo is : press release
<emily> BinLi and emily is working on this, once we have the draft ready, we will send out to ask other people to help on our English
<oliverp> thats great
<emily> tonghuix-mob: I think tonghui is working on the Chinese version
<tonghuix-mob> yes
<oliverp> maybe we can publish it on gnome.org
<emily> oliverp: we will
<oliverp> I made some interviews during the summit
<tonghuix-mob> but the zh version still need more modify
<oliverp> maybe you want to include quotes from them in the press release?
<tonghuix-mob> we work together later
<emily> that's a great idea oliverp
<oliverp> thanks
<oliverp> can forward them to the team
<emily> OK, BinLi, tonghui Emily working on the press release on both English version and Chinese version
<emily> AI: BinLi, tonghui Emily working on the press release on both English version and Chinese version
<oliverp> emily: great
<BinLi> fine
<oliverp> I forward the interviews to those pepole
<emily> BinLi: do you want to share the data of the conference ?
<BinLi> ok
<BinLi> wait a minutes, I just open the mail
<tonghuix-mob> oliverp: how about interviews ?
<oliverp> tonghuix-mob: maybe you can include quotes from them in the press release
<BinLi> very bad network now
<tonghuix-mob> where can i find it ?
<oliverp> I can forward them (there are in a mail)
<oliverp> BinLi: if you have problem open the mail maybe you can share the data on the list later?
<BinLi> Here now, we had 563 registration, 355 signed in, the ratio is 63%
<oliverp> ok great
<BinLi> 75 female registration
<BinLi> and about 35 signed in,
<oliverp> is there any data on how many speakers?
<emily> 50 speakers
<oliverp> ok, great
<BinLi> more than 50 speakers
<tonghuix-mob> 50 volu
<tonghuix-mob> 50 volunteers
<muelli> FWIW: It'd be good if we could write an article for the next Annual Report (i.e. not the one that is in progress now, but the one to be released next year).
<emily> muelli: we have 1 year to write the report
<oliverp> muelli: I guess it could be based on the press release
<muelli> yes. But the earlier we write it, the better.
<muelli> now people have memories and are motivated to think about the event. That'll be different in one year.
<tonghuix-mob> agree
<oliverp> sure but lets first write the press release
<oliverp> are we ready to move on soon?
<BinLi> agree
<oliverp> emily?
<emily> yes, we will write report very soon. I just kiding about the 1 year as deadline
<emily> I have no more update from my side
<BinLi> no from my side
<oliverp> are we ready to move on?
<tonghuix-mob> no from me too
<emily> any other issues we want to talk about ?
<oliverp> one thing
<oliverp> its about 2015
<oliverp> I and emily are talking to the Linux foundation about cohosting
<oliverp> with Linuxcon Japan
<tonghuix-mob> wow
<emily> oliverp, you can forward to email to all
<sammyfung> 2015 ?
<oliverp> they seems very intrested. emily suggested that we should first attend Linuxcon Japan
<oliverp> so it would not be 2015 but 2016
<tonghuix-mob> ok
<oliverp> any case I think its great
<oliverp> have to go now see you, bye
<tonghuix-mob> bye
<haggen> Bye Oliver
- * oliverp has quit (oliverp)
<emily> any other issues ?
<emily> if no, the meeting is done
<emily> thanks for everyone
<sammyfung> when will be next meeting ?
<emily> Have a good nite/ day
<emily> two weeks later ?
<sammyfung> up to Beijing team I think
<emily> July 1st , discuss to call for next bid
<sammyfung> ok
<emily> see you all in July 1st
<sammyfung> thanks emily and beijing team
<emily> bye, all
<haggen> bye
* haggen has quit (ChatZilla [Firefox 30.0/20140608211622])
<muelli> emily: interesting with LinuxCon Japan. I remember Karen talking to them and that it wouldn't be a great deal for us.
<emily> is there someone attending LinuxCon beside Karen ?
<muelli> I don't know. It's almost a year to go.
<muelli> emily, sammyfung: Still around? I'd like to know whether we can work something out regarding sending mousepads to donors.
<emily> i am still here
<tonghuix-mob> i will join you soon
<emily> muelli, tonghuix-mob: sorry, I have to go now
<emily> we can discuss this topic by email
<muelli> k
<tonghuix-mob> ok